25 - Kokushibo

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You guys are getting off easy- I realized that I need to make this story longer so Kokushibo can actually get to where I need him to be for the ending...

You guys are really lucky I noticed that.

Also, the final chapter is already written, as I'm writing this chapter, so I actually can't change it. It's only a matter of stringing the two parts together so it's a seamless train-wreck, not just a train-wreck.

In some ways you're also not lucky, because this only buys you about one extra chapter. Guess what. It's in Kokushibo's POV, because he's the one doing all the plot development.

I looked down on the town, wondering whether Muzan would have gone in. The chances were slim, but not zero. Something about this place seems off. Deciding it was worth the shot, I set off down the hill to pay the town a visit.

Stepping onto the well-trodden dirt road, I was met with the smell of food and sounds of a busy community. Before I could move any more than ten paces further, I was approached by a young child. He smiled up at me, but his smile didn't feel genuine. I felt like I was being sized up, examined, if you will.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

In response, he took out a small pendulum, holding it up for me to look at as he swung it. "Will you watch my trick?"

I hesitated. The kid was more than suspicious; he was acting like a demon.

But he isn't one. This is a normal kid.

"I'll watch your trick."

His smile grew, and he skipped over to an alley joyfully. "Come over here! It's better in the dark."


My instincts told me to stay on guard, so I did, not taking my hand off the hilt of my sword.

As I walked up to the child, he seemed distracted by something. "Wait here for a sec, I need to talk to my friend," he told me, and slipped through the side door of the house.


A minute later he poked his head back out, brushing a strand of his dark hair away from his face. "Sorry, my dad says it's time to go on a trip, I'll show you my trick another time!"

I thought he was going to talk to his 'friend'.

Could a demon be using him to lure food in during the daytime?

I tightened the grip on my katana. If that's true, the kid could be in danger. I silently stepped up to the door, putting my ear to it. No sounds. Sliding the door open slowly, I scanned the room before me. It was a standard-looking living room, with mats on the floor and decent lighting. But there was no one inside.

If this really is someone's house, I shouldn't intrude.

Closing the door once more, I returned to walking down the street. At some point I saw the child again, being led away quickly by someone.

Guess he really did have somewhere to be.

I stopped, looking around. There were a couple groups of people, some with kids, some without. I walked up to a group with children and cleared my throat.

"Hello sir!" One of the mothers greeted me. "Is there something you need?"

"Have any of you seen a man about this tall," I held my hand level at Muzan's height, "with a white kimono, red eyes, and long black hair?"

They looked at each other, as if trying to remember anyone fitting the description I'd gave them.

"Why, are you looking for him?"

"Is he some sort of criminal?"

I paused. "No, he's not in any trouble. I'm just trying to find him."

One raised her hand momentarily, lowering it when she had my attention. "I talked to someone like that yesterday. He looked just like that, and I've never seen him around here before. Though there's a chance I just haven't noticed him."

Another woman nodded. "I saw him yesterday too, walking down the street with that homeless child. Enmu, wasn't that it's name?"

Enmu? As in Lowermoon 1?

"Yes. Ghastly boy, practicing things like hypnosis."

Definitely our Enmu.

I mulled over the possibilities. Muzan did always favor that one over the other lowers. If he found his reincarnation, no doubt he'd try to take him in.

"What does 'Enmu' look like?" I asked.

"He's got black hair cut to his shoulders, blue eyes, and constantly plays with this swinging pendulum."

"Thank you for your help," I dipped my head, turning to leave in the direction I'd seen Enmu heading.

You can't hide forever, Muzan.

Please, you have nothing to be scared of.

However, when night rolled around without a trace of either him or Enmu, I began to think otherwise. And when a Kasugai crow fluttered down onto my shoulder, bearing my new agenda, my heart sank in defeat.

So, for anyone who didn't understand that, Kokushibo now knows that Muzan killed several humans. Question is, what will he do about it?

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