3 - Rui

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Writing in two POVs with separate timelines is harder than I thought- ima just try to fix this real quick

This chapter takes place where chapter 2 left off

I woke to a small bird chirping in the tree above me, singing its song to the rising sun. When did I fall asleep? My body was stretched out over the bench, arms folded under my head and legs strewn out behind me.

"Ugh-" I sat up carefully, reaching my arms up to try to get rid of the pins and needles as blood rushed back into them. The feeling subsided, replaced by a dull ache in my spine. Probably because I slept on a wooden park bench all night, I thought, looking up at the gently swaying branches of the wisteria tree.

A month ago, I wouldn't be able to sit here. Add it to the list of thing to be grateful for, I guess.

The lavender colored flowers hung off the boughs limply, halfway through blooming. Standing and reaching up, I grabbed a cluster and pulled it down from its place.

I paid more attention to the plant than my surroundings as I turned it over in my hands, stepping off the wood and onto the smooth gravel path.

"Isn't it a bit early for you to be out?" I heard a cool voice behind me ask.

Turning my head to see who was there, my pulse calmed when I laid eyes on Kokushibo. His haori concealed his katana perfectly, dark purple over his black clothing underneath.

"I couldn't sleep, so I came here. And if it's early for me, it's early for you."

The man shrugged, looking off to one side. "Old habits die hard."

I knew he meant being awake at night and sleeping during the day, but I didn't think that was the reason for my distraction. Still, it would be better if I agreed with him, so I found myself nodding in agreement.

"I should head back to Ume and Gyutaro's house, y'know, before they notice I'm gone."

He narrowed his eyes. "Who's house?"

It occurred to me that the former Uppermoon hadn't met the pair yet, so I waved my hand in a gesture for him to follow me. We walked down the street together, with him walking slightly behind me.

When we got back to the house, I immediately noticed Ume looking under a bush, and her brother looking in the opposite direction. Does she seriously think I'd be under a bush?

"Over here, guys!" I called, catching their attention. Both their heads turned in my direction, and Ume started to walk in my direction happily. Gyutaro grabbed her shoulder, making her stop. He pointed at Kokushibo, who was looking at the young boy with a knowing expression. Out of the two siblings, Gyutaro was more obvious, the marks on his face still being there. Ume was mainly recognizable because of her white hair, she looked very different otherwise.

"It's okay, Kokushibo is a- uh, family friend of mine," I explained.

Ume shot her brother a smug smile, shaking off his hand and running over to me. She pulled me into a quick hug, stepping back and holding me by my shoulders.

"Where were you?? Gyutaro came into my room and told me you weren't in the house, so we were looking for you 'cause if your dads found out we lost you they really would kill us!"

"Calm down, I was just at the park." I held up the wisteria blossoms. "I brought this back for you. It's pretty, right?"

She took it in her hands, grinning down at it widely. "It is! Thanks, Rui!"

The older joined his sister, frowning at me and crossing his arms. "You shouldn't go out while it's dark. Someone could kidnap you or something."

"I was keeping an eye on him." Kokushibo lied, trying to put ease to the situation.

"See? There was no reason to worry, Gyutaro!" Ume elbowed him playfully.

He huffed. "I'm allowed to worry if he disappears while we're asleep and we can't find him anywhere."

"Let's just agree that I'm okay, and now we can move on," I smiled. "We've still got some time before I have to go home."

"You're right! Wanna eat something? We can get some food out if you want."

Gyutaro rolled his eyes at his sister as she led me back inside. He and Kokushibo locked gazes for a moment, and the boy tipped his head to one side skeptically. "Where have I seen you before," he asked. "I recognize you from somewhere, but I can't remember when it was."

Kokushibo didn't show it, but in his head, he was surprised. Gyutaro knew his face, despite being reborn. "You've probably seen someone who looks like me at one point. Or you saw me recently in the streets." He turned around to walk back up the street. "I need to get home. It was a pleasure meeting Rui's friends."

The younger bowed respectfully, vanishing back into the house with his sibling.

A few hours later, when Douma arrived to pick me up, he found the siblings and I admiring a spiderweb. At least, they were, and I was watching the spider spin silky threads around a fly. The winged insect beat its wings furiously, but the cocoon around it kept it in place. Soon, the spider had covered the entire fly with webs, locking it in place for later.

"What're you looking at, kids?" Douma chirped cheerfully.

Ume and I jumped, startled by his sudden appearance. Gyutaro just flinched.

"We were looking at the spiderweb, Douma-san!"

I tuned out the short conversation between Ume and my adoptive father, instead letting the spider climb onto my index finger. Beside me, Gyutaro eyed it as it made its way onto the back of my hand.

Douma bent down in front of me, gently pinching the spider between his fingers and placing it back on its web. "It could bite you, Rui, be careful!" He said with a smile.

Standing up, the rainbow eyed man bid a friendly farewell to the siblings, taking my hand in his. "Do you want to get something while we're out?"

I shook my head. "Let's just go home."

Douma looked down at me with concern. "Okay," he squeezed my hand slightly, and I tightened my hold on his in return.

You okay, spider boy?

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