26 - Lady Tamayo / Kokushibo

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Like I said, big timeskip. Perhaps a few days to a week. Don't worry, it was all travel. You didn't miss anything. Blame my laziness.

Starting in Tamayo's POV

I knocked on Yushiro's door lightly, waiting patiently for him to answer. From inside the room I heard a thump, presumably from my assistant tripping over something.

The door slid open, and I held out the bag of paints I had bought. "I hope I got the right ones," I said as he took them from me.

"These are wonderful! Thank you, Lady Tamayo!" He smiled.

After defeating Kibutsuji (referring to Second Chances), Yushiro and I had found a nice town to move in to where I could continue pursuing the career of a doctor. Yushiro spent most of his time painting, and I was just glad he finally found a harmless pastime.

He disappeared inside momentarily to set the bag down, then popped his head back out when we heard a knock.

"A patient?" He asked.

I thought for a second. "I don't think I'm expecting anyone this morning."

"I'll answer it." Slipping past me, he took the stairs two at a time going down to the front door.

I watched from upstairs, trying to catch a glimpse of who it was. Yushiro and the man exchanged a few words before he begrudgingly let the guest in. I immediately recognized the former uppermoon 1, he still looked and dressed almost exactly the same.

"Kokushibo," I greeted him with a nod as I headed down. "welcome!"

"It is nice to see you again, Miss Tamayo. I just wish I came here under better circumstances."

Yushiro glared when he thought I wasn't looking and crossed his arms. "What kind of circumstances?"

The man glanced behind him, making sure the door was shut. He paused, almost like he didn't want to say it.

"I... need a poison."

"A poison?" My assistant asked for confirmation.

"I need one that can kill a powerful demon, but not cause said demon any pain."

His strange request had me curious. "Why would you need something like that?"

"Has no one told you?" He tilted his head a tiny bit.

"Told us what," Yushiro questioned.

He looked at each of us, then sighed. "Rui and Muzan have turned back into demons."

My eyes widened. "Kibutsuji? How?"

"That little boy?" Yushiro asked at the same time. He immediately cringed backwards, bowing slightly as he apologized for interrupting me.

"It's alright, Yushiro," I said calmly, turning back to Kokushibo. "If you would, please elaborate."

"He managed to find the recipe for a medicine that can turn humans into demons, and made enough for him and Rui."

I nodded, signaling for him to continue once we moved to a room where we could all sit.

"Rui took the medicine first, on his trip to Mount Natagumo to retrieve blue spider lilies for Muzan, which he was successful in doing. I was the one who delivered the flowers to him."

"So they're both immune to the sunlight!" I exclaimed.

Kokushibo hummed, confirming my suspicion. "They both had good reasons to transform. And Muzan... didn't have a choice."

"What do you mean?"

"I administered the medicine to save his life."

Yushiro narrowed his eyes. "You saved that bastard?"

"Is it really that surprising," he hissed, shaking his head. "Nevermind that. I need a poison so I can fix this."

Kokushibo's POV
"I promised the demonslayer corp that if Muzan harmed a human, I would," my frown worsened, "kill him. He's killed at lease two people now." I carefully left out the second part of my vow, not wanting to share my full burden with anyone.

Tamayo nodded slowly. "I can develop a poison like what you're asking for in a day or two, maybe three."

"The quicker the better, I have to find him before the slayers do." My voice sounded stressed, but also worried.

Damnit, I knew these feelings would get in the way.

Her face softened, finally understanding. "Why don't you search for Kibutsuji while we work on this? Chachamaru or a Kasugai crow can deliver the toxin when it's ready."

I dipped my head in thanks. "I appreciate this, Lady Tamayo."

She stood, motioning for us to stand as well. "We wish you good luck, Kokushibo."

As I left their house, my attention got caught on the calico that rubbed against my legs. Stopping low to stroke it's fluffy back, I let my thoughts wander. No matter how hard I tried to focus on something other than the task at hand, my head always circled back to the dreadful assignment.

This is going to be my most difficult kill.

... hi?
*waves nervously*

Sorry for the shorter filler chapter, I couldn't think of anything else to put in it.

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