19 - Kokushibo (1/2)

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My decision for the ending is set in stone. Am not changing it.

(Btw, this chapter and the next one are a bit short because I wanted to break it up into two parts for dramatic effect. That's why there's a 1/2 in the title.)

As I neared the house, Zenitsu came running up to me in a panic. He looked more spooked than anything, so I wasn't too concerned.

"Kokushibo-saaaaan!! The Kibutsuji man started coughing and he won't stop!" He grabbed my sleeve and hid behind me, peering warily around me at the house.

Are you okay, Muzan?

Shaking the child off of my haori, I tried to listen for a response as I hurried inside. None came.

Upon entering my home, the first thing I noticed was the dreadful silence.

"Muzan?" My voice wavered slightly.

If you can hear me, say something please. I'm getting worried.

Inosuke brushed past me, walking outside quickly. I grabbed his mask by a tuft of fur, stopping him.

"WHAT?!" He shouted.

"Is Muzan okay?"

A pause, which was uncharacteristic of the child. "I don't think that guy's..." the last few words trailed off inaudibly. Having said what he needed to say, Inosuke ran outside to stand by Zenitsu.

I slipped through the door and looked around quickly. The first time, my eyes completely missed him, but then I noticed Muzan's body laying on the floor.

Time seemed to slow. I knelt at his side, gently turning him over to check if he was still alive. Not seeing any sign of breathing, I grasped his wrist and pressed my thumb to it, feeling for a pulse.

Laying his arm back down, I jumped to my feet. This was the closest to panicking I'd been in five hundred years- no, scratch that. I was panicking.

Not breathing, no pulse... I will NOT let Muzan die. Or... stay dead.

A cold jolt like electricity stilled my mind.

My hands shook as I remembered, The medicine.

Fear drove me into Muzan's room, pushing me to violently tug the covers off his mattress, search his closet and under the pillow. Finally, when his belongings were strewn on the floor recklessly, tears formed in my eyes.

Not blinking, for the fear that the action would let them spill, I turned my head to the blue spider lilies. I stood, grabbing the pot and inspecting the soil. A shiny glint behind the clay container caught my eye.


The vial was small, cylindrical, and filled with a cloudy pink liquid. I snatched it from its place quickly, speeding back into the other room. Disregarding the fact that Inosuke and Zenitsu, two demonslayers, were standing in the front doorway, I cradled Muzan's head in one hand to give him the medicine. After emptying the tiny glass, I set it down and rushed to get a small cushion to rest his head on.

Inosuke made a move to step closer, but I glared at him, warning the boy to stay back. "Move from that spot and I will do to you what Akaza did to the flame hashira."

I turned back to Muzan, praying silently in my head.

Please work.

I don't want to lose him. I can't.


Several minutes went by, yet I did not move.


"Shut it."

Zenitsu snapped his mouth shut, continuing to cower behind Inosuke.

"Come on, it has to work," I whispered, clenching my fists anxiously.

Zenitsu and Inosuke exchanged a glance behind me.

It has to.

Oh gosh that hurt to write-

Well, time to leave you all with that for a bit! (Please don't hate me..)

Don't worry, I'll be back soon with the next short chapter. I'm not THAT cruel 🥲

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