Shorts // Reactions // Continuations // pt.2

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This is OFFICIALLY the last time I'll be updating this story with actual readable content. 🥲

After this, I'll most likely take a break to recollect myself, then start working on my next book, which will be focused around the ship Uzuren.

Akaza's POV:

Douma wrapped his arms around me tighter, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. He'd been like this for a few days, ever since that Kamado came and told us that Kokushibo killed himself and Muzan. I put up with the near-constant physical contact only because it made him feel better, and even though I still denied it sometimes, I loved the childish man to death.

"Douma," I held his wrists, freeing myself from his bear hug, "I'm going to go check on Rui and his friend."

Putting on a pouty face and crossing his arms, he whined in protest. "They're fine, Kaza! I want to keep holding youuuu~!"

"You can hold me when I get back." I stepped around him, walking over to the young demon's door. It's still early, they might not be awake yet, I cautioned myself.

Sliding the door open a crack, I peered inside.

The two were laying peacefully in Rui's bed, and to no one's surprise, Hinoto was spooning the smaller boy, face buried in his off-white hair. Both of them were fast asleep.

I smiled. Kokushibo was right, they are perfect for each other.

Douma laid his head on top of mine, following my gaze with a tiny gasp. Rui stirred at the small noise and I backed out of the doorway, pushing the taller man while shutting the door silently. I put one finger over my lips, a universal sign for quiet. Dragging him into our room, I shut that door as well, then let out a breath.

"You can talk," I said.

"That boy likes Rui?"

My face contorted with surprise. "What- you didn't know? It's been so obvious."

Douma tilted his head. "It has?"

Punching his arm playfully, and gently, I grinned. "You're so blind, how did you not see him holding Rui's hand at the train?"

"He did what??"

"Okay, I get it. You want to cuddle like they were, don't you?"

To be honest, it was extremely amusing to see a grown man's eyes light up at the prospect of cuddles.

Sitting down on the side of the mattress, I had to slide out of the way as Douma practically dove into the covers beside me. Regardless, he pulled me down on top of him haphazardly and hugged me close to his chest. I relaxed as he ran his hand up and down my back, closing my eyes with a small smile.


The dusty yellow sunlight woke me, shining in my eyes. Staring through the window into the cloudless sun-filled sky, my mind wandered, traveling back through time to things people had said and done that changed my life.

Becoming a demon under Kibutsuji's reign.

Meeting Douma for the first time, and being beaten in a Blood Battle by the younger demon.

The memories flashed by in a blur.

Fighting and killing the flame hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku.

Finding evil in someone I had followed for centuries.

Reverting back to being a human.

I blinked, turning the gears in my brain back to the powerful flame pillar. He told me something. I disregarded it then.

"Growing old and dying is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life. It's precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility," he'd declared.

I scoffed quietly. Kyojuro was more on point than I would have guessed at the time.

Frowning, I tried to focus on Douma's soft breathing.

I made a mistake, back then.

I shouldn't have killed him.

He did not deserve the death I gave him.

If I could rewind time and spare him, I would.

I brought myself closer to Douma, hugging his frame anxiously.

But that's not possible. So it can't be helped.

I... just accidentally opened an option for my Uzuren story... dagnabbit

Most commented-on lines from Second Chances because this is the sequel:
(Enjoy this one, it took forever to get these)

Douma left Akaza's room, but as Akaza was moving to close the door, he heard him shout "It's a date!" (Chapter 1)

"That emotion, my friend, is love." (Chapter 2, Daki)

I turned a corner and almost walked into Kokushibo for the second time that day. "Oh, hello Kokushibo!" (Chapter 2, Douma)

I told the story as we went, including the part where I invited the flame hashira to become a demon. Douma seemed to tense up when I described that bit. I wonder why. (Chapter 3, Akaza)

"I didn't not ask that!" Rui shouted with mock outrage. "I told you that I bet you wish Akaza-san was my other dad so you could marry him!" (Chapter 7)

"Yes father!" (Chapter 8, Rui)

"Shame, if only you had aimed a tad bit lower!" (Chapter 10, Douma)

"Scared? Douma put one arm over my back. "What are you scared of?"
"Of losing you like I lost h-her!"
(Chapter 14)

"They were um... having a... moment." (Chapter 16, Akaza)

Rui smirked. "Play 7 minutes in heaven with Akaza." (Chapter 21)

Time skip- haha get robbed 😈🫣😏 (Chapter 21, Authors note)

Muzan Kibutsuji stood next to a large boulder, a grim smile on his face. (Chapter 26)

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