27 - Muzan/Kokushibo

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Shhhhh, it's okay, sweet demons. I'm sad too. Terrified, mostly. But also sad.
Don't ask me why, I probably won't answer.

I led Enmu down the path, eyeing the forest to our right with caution, in case a demon were to jump out at the child.

The cold wind ruffled both of our hair, sending small shivers through him. Leaves rustled, causing me to cast suspicious glares into the foliage. There are definitely demons in these woods.

'This is going to be my most difficult kill yet.'

My steps faltered as my mind began to race.

Is Kokushibo thinking about me?

Is he going to try to kill me?

... He wouldn't dare.

Even if he did, what about that would be difficult?

Would the hard part be emotions, or physical capability?

My young companion stumbled, righting himself with a yawn. "I'm tired."

I quickly stilled my thoughts.

"Then we'll stop for the night." I looked around, trying to pick out a house or building in the darkness. A few lights in the near distance drew my attention. "Come on."

Enmu picked up his pace, and I did my best to not get too far ahead of him. As we approached the cabin, the smell of wisteria swamped me. Ignoring it the best I could, I motioned for him to stay where he was. I stepped up to the door, silently sliding it open. Inside, there was one girl with long black hair that covered her eyes. She was fast asleep, her biwa laying against the wall beside her.

Next to me, Enmu gripped my kimono, peering around me into the room. "She looks nice," he whispered, looking up at me. "Are we going to kill her, too?"

I hesitated. "No." Kneeling down so I was at eye level with the boy, I smiled.

"I know this girl. Her name is Nakime, and she'll take good care of you. Just stay here and make sure give her your name."

"Nakime?" He shook his head, as if discarding thoughts. "Are you leaving?"

I nodded. "There's something I have to do that you can't be around to see."

"Oh. Okay."

Standing back up, I forced a smile onto my face. "Be kind, okay? And don't tell her it was me who dropped you off."

He hummed, turning back to the open door.

"Can you stay until she wakes up?"


The rest of the night passed slowly. Enmu fell asleep with his head resting in his arms, while I remained awake to keep watch for demons. This was also partially because I had to get up periodically and walk out of the wisteria's range whenever the scent grew to be too much to handle. When the sun peeked over the horizon, I left.

Timeskip a few days

The scent of demonslayers grew stronger, snapping me out of my slumber. Sniffing the air, I recognized the distinct smell of the Kamado boy.


I jumped to my feet, scanning the area in suspicion. A head of red hair moving my way caught my attention, and I bolted in the opposite direction. The sudden movement gave away my location, leaving him free to race after me.

"Muzan Kibutsuji!!"

Kokushibo's POV
"Muzan Kibutsuji!!"

I looked up at the faint shout, stopping in my tracks.

Did I hear that right?

'You heard that?'

I took two slow steps in the direction of the exclamation, then began to run. I hadn't heard Muzan's voice in over a week.

Yes. Are you in danger?


Don't ignore me, I know you can hear me.

'I've a demonslayer on my tail. Nothing I can't handle.'

You've got more than a demonslayer on your tail, I thought as I saw a black and white blur fly by in the distance. The serpent hashira just passed me.

Is it anyone we know?


If he's there, so are his friends.

I sped up, dodging tree trunks and branches as I sprinted to catch up.

'How delightful.' His mind-voice oozed with venom. The demon was obviously pissed off.

Please don't make this worse by fighting them. I'll be there soon, just keep running.

'That option isn't much better,' he thought slowly.

I chose to not respond, instead forcing myself to move quicker. As a force of habit, my hand slipped down to clutch the hilt of my katana. An unholy screech sounded in the shadows.

That's Inosuke.

A sudden soft meow made my heart thump painfully. Skidding to a stop, I cast my eyes behind me at Chachamaru. "Already?" I asked softly, sadness pricking my soul like needles.

The cat mewed, trotting up to my feet and rubbing its cheek on the fabric of my pants.

"Alright. Alright," I whispered, attempting to calm my spiked nerves as I bent down and opened the pouch strapped to the calico's back. Reaching in, I pulled out a small needle and syringe, filled with a clear liquid that smelled like trace amounts of wisteria.

I hope they made it painless.

Patting the cat on the head one last time, I steadied my breathing and resumed my chase.


The next chapter is the last one.
It's already finished as I'm publishing this one.
But I'm going to wait a couple days to publish it.
I hope that's okay.

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