Even more stuff?

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Hello sweet demons of Growth and Malady! I missed you all! But here I am again, writing a super fluffy extra chapter for you! I guess you could call this a 'thank you' gift for reaching 47.7k reads or 1.29 star thingies on Second Chances!

Credit for giving me this idea goes to chaotickaza

This chapter is written in the third person, and features two short stories

Akaza and Douma:

Akaza opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them with the backs of his hands. The warm morning light streamed through the drawn curtains, creating a cozy effect in the room. His mind, still fuzzy, didn't register as a strong pair of arms wrapped gently around his torso, pulling him back into a loose hug.

He looked up at the window, blinking dumbly as he tried to guesstimate the time. It can't be later than eight, he decided, letting out a little huff as he stretched his arms and legs out.

A small whine behind him, accompanied by the subtle tightening around his waist alerted Akaza of his predicament. He turned his head, gaze hardening when he realized Douma was clinging to him like a stuffed animal, curling his body around the smaller's contentedly.

At first, Akaza tried to simply slip out of Douma's arms without disturbing him, but only succeeded in getting himself more stuck. Now he was pressed flush against the other's body, facing him with his hands pinned uselessly between them.

"Tsk." He pushed against Douma's chest, surprised to find that didn't work either. "Douma, I need to get up," he said, just loud enough to wake him.

"Nooooo..." his cute morning voice trailed off into a yawn, and be buried his face back into Akaza's hair. "Five more minutes, Kazaa~"

"If I say yes you're going to keep asking! Get off!" The dark haired man couldn't hold back the small bubble of laughter that escaped him, chuckling when Douma fussed that he was still trying to get away.

"Why're you laughing? You need to stayyy!"

"It's light out, I have things to do today."

"Yeah: me!"

Akaza froze, trapped against his flirtatious, childish partner with a bright red blush covering his face.

"Mmmmmm you're quiet now~ will you stay?" He whispered softly.

"I- fine, five more minutes.." Akaza let himself relax, taking a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around the taller's back.

"Yaaaaayy," Douma cheered sleepily, nuzzling the top of Akaza's head. "Love you, Kaza."

"I love you too, idiot."


Rui and Hinoto:
(I miss them sm- and for context, Rui still hasn't turned back to a human)

Hinoto rested his elbows on the edge of Rui's bed, watching the spider demon weave a pattern in his webs. His small hands jerked at the threads, conducting them like puppets. He thought it was amazing that Rui could make something beautiful out of something so dangerous.

He winced, sucking air through his teeth as the strings turned red, blood covering Rui's fingertips. It scared him every time, even after being assured it didn't hurt.

Seeing Hinoto flinch, Rui turned his head to look at him. "You can come up here, you know. This is as much your bed as it is mine," he smiled, giving attention to his webs once more.

"Okay." Hinoto got up, climbing onto the mattress and sitting down again behind Rui. He laid his chin on top of his head, carefully hugging the demon closer to him.

A light pink tint covered the smaller's face as he leaned back against his partner's body comfortably. "How are you always so warm," he hummed, twirling another red pattern into the edge of his small web.

"I just am- I'm like your personal heater!" Hinoto giggled.

"Only mine?"

"Only yours."

Rui snapped the strands connected to his fingertips, holding up the finished design for Hinoto to see. "Like it?"

It was a traditional white spiderweb, with a bright red heart woven skillfully into the center.

"I love it! It's super pretty." He smiled, combing his fingers through Rui's silky white hair. The boy in front of him looked back, locking eyes with him.

"Hey- you're not looking at it! You're just staring at me!" Rui protested, but wasn't really complaining.

"Does it matter though?"

He thought for a second. "Oh my god." He blushed harder, hiding his face in his hands.

"You are, though," Hinoto grinned, proud of the flustered state he was able to send Rui into so easily.

"No I'm not," he whined, dragging out the o in embarrassment.

Hinoto took hold of his wrists, guiding them away from his face. "Yes you are, admit it!" He demanded playfully. "Say you're pretty."

"You're pretty."

Now it was his turn to blush, a dusting of pink over his cheeks. "No, say it to yourself!"

Rui groaned, falling backwards onto Hinoto, trapping him against the bed. "Fiiine, I'm pretty I guess. Happy now?"

"I'm happy whenever I'm around you."

"Okay, time to shush. You're gonna be the death of me, saying things like that." Rui flipped over onto his stomach, remaining on top of Hinoto. His ruby-red eyes closed, content just laying there peacefully.

So cute..! Hinoto pet his hair gently, occasionally leaving small kisses on the crown of his head. He knew Rui was asleep by the change in his breathing, so he wasn't doing any harm.

Surrounded by blankets and warmth, as the minutes crawled by, he too drifted off to sleep.


Sorry if these are boring, repetitive, or badly written.

Sleep well, my demons!

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