20 - Kokushibo (2/2)

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(Also jk, this chapter is an average length, not short)

Another half-minute slowly ticked by, the stress on my nerves mounting to a new high. I shifted my position so I was closer to Muzan, resisting the urge to slip my hand into his. My gaze flitted up to the two slayers, sighing shakily.

"You can... you can move. I'm sorry."

They hesitated, but quickly dispersed to the far corner of the room to keep an eye on us. Well, me.

As I returned to watching Kibutsuji for signs of life, I noticed he looked slightly more similar to his normal demonic form.


Giving into the need, I moved my hand under his, rubbing his palm with my thumb.

C'mon, you're so close. Please.

I jolted as Muzan's hand curled to hold mine, his eyes fluttering open into slits. He shuddered, breathing irregularly as he struggled to get air into his lungs.


I sat still for a moment longer, and as soon as he stabilized himself, I tugged the demon into a tight embrace. Muzan stiffened, disoriented after his unconscious ordeal.

"K- Koku-?" He managed to get out.

My only response was to hug him tighter, burying my head into the crook of his neck. I blinked rapidly, letting a few tears fall from my face as the overwhelming emotions crashed down on me.

"Don't ever die again, okay?"

"I- what?" Muzan held onto my arms loosely, head reeling at the thought. His eyes traveled to the empty vial laying beside us, widening slightly. He pulled back slightly so he could see my face. "Did you-"

I was still holding onto Muzan by his wrists, not wanting to let go. "I had to. I wasn't going to let you die, and it was the only way to bring you back," I explained, cursing my voice silently for being so weak and quiet at the moment.

He glanced at the demon slayers, then at me. 'You did the right thing. Thank you, Kokushibo.'

I nodded, letting go of him and taking the empty vial in my hand. Rising to my feet, I carried it over to the kitchen. No need to throw away a good bit of glasswork.

The yellow slayer trailed after me, questions brimming in his mind.

"What is it that you want to ask me?" I set the glass down on the counter.

Pointing in Muzan's direction, he said "His sound changed. He sounds like a demon now, but that's- not possible."

"Anything's possible."

The sun streaming through the window caught on the glass. Shining brightly in my eyes. Looking away and moving the vial out of the light, I recalled the spider lilies.

Muzan, you need to go eat one of the lilies.

'I just thought of that. But this child will not let me get up without him flashing his swords.'

One second.

I pushed past Zenitsu, coming back into the room. "Hashibira, stand down."

"You don't tell me what to do!!"

"What's going on in here?"

All of us turned out heads to see who had asked. Tanjiro was standing in the doorway, looking extremely confused. His eyes darted between each of the people in the house, finally resting on Muzan. He wrinkled his nose at the strong demonic scent, piecing together the events of that morning.

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