28 - Muzan/Kokushibo

706 21 111

I'm... sorry

Muzan's POV
Kokushibo's thoughts raced through my head like cool drops of water. However, I was too occupied with avoiding the slayers to care much about what he was thinking.

The ring of a sword through air sounded without warning, making my heartbeat jump in panic. I kicked off of the ground, the blade missing my neck by mere centimeters.

The Hashira it belonged to fell back as well, momentarily disappearing from view.

"KIBITSUJI!!" Kamado shouted, old pent up rage amplifying his voice.

I froze, looking over my shoulder. Kamado had his black nichirin sword drawn, pointing it directly at me.

Good thing I left Enmu when I did, I thought.

My eyes caught on the young slayer's earrings. He really does look like him. Right down to how he holds himself before a battle.

The serpent hashira stood next to him, one hand holding the handle of his katana. Deep scars covered his face and eyes. His albino snake reared it's head, while the rest of its body stayed wrapped over his shoulders.

Based on the way they looked at me, both slayers were prepared to kill the demon that stood before them.

I took a defensive position, readying my blood demon art in case I had to fight them.

"Stop!" A voice roared. Some of us flinched at the commanding tone, all heads turning to see who had shouted. I backed away, already knowing.

Kokushibo was standing stock still, one hand on the hilt of his katana, and in the other he had clutched a small needle and syringe.

"All of you stand down," he growled, taking a step forward.

"The moment you let him leave, Kokushibo," Obanai stated, "you lost all rights to-"

The taller man shut him down with a glare.

"We can handle this," Tanjiro frowned.

I am not something to 'handle'.

With cautious eyes, I watched as my uppermoon continued to approach me.

In a slightly quieter tone, Kokushibo replied "Like you've handled it so far."

My heart pounded as he drew closer. I felt like a cornered animal, a deer frozen in the light. Seeing I was wary, he moved his hand to the sheath, pulling it out of his belt and laying it down on the soft grass. He kept a firm grip on the syringe.


"No-" I desperately tried to tell him to stay back, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"It's okay." Another few steps. The eyes of all the demon slayers were on us. "It's going to be okay."

My wide-eyed gaze traveled to what he held. "Drop that."

Kokushibo shook his head. "I can't."

Cold dread stabbed me. I knew what it was for.

It's for me.

Just a foot away from me now, he reached out and pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around me, keeping me close to him as he buried his face in my hair.

"I'm... so sorry. I have to do this," he told me.

"You promised you would never hurt me," I reminded him. All my instincts of self-preservation screamed at me to run, but I stilled the racing thoughts. I'm done running from him. Done running from everything.

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