9 - Rui

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Timeskip a week or two - brought to you by the chocolate I hid in my closet

Under the guidance of Kinoe, Hinoto's older sister, I ran my fingers through my friend's hair, separating it into three parts to braid. He'd asked me to do it for him earlier that day, but I hadn't the slightest clue how.

"You're going to want to hold two in one at a time- like this," Kinoe mimicked how my smaller hands should hold the smooth dark strands. "And hold the other in your right hand. Then cross it over the middle one, cross the left one over that, and keep repeating until you get to the end."

"Okay," I muttered, concentrating on braiding Hinoto's hair. It wouldn't look as good as when Kinoe did it, but it'd be decent.

Kumo clung stealthily to the inside of my sleeve, tucked into his little web cocoon. I needed to remember to feed him today. Houseflies and gnats were substantial, but not enough if I wanted the little spider to stay alive as long as possible.

One last loop in the hairdo, and it was done. I took the hair tie from where it lay on the floor, tying the braid off to keep it the way it was. If I could, I'd use webs. They're a lot stronger, and wouldn't let any hair fall out.

Leaning back to admire my work, Kinoe glanced at her brothers hair, humming in approval. "Did I do it right?" I asked.

Hinoto reached back behind his head, feeling the braid carefully. "I think so! Let me go check really quick." He jumped up, going to go retrieve a mirror. A few moments later, he returned with a smile on his face. "It looks great!"

My mouth formed a small grin. His sister looked between us, standing up and excusing herself to go read.

"Sooooo, what should we do now?" Hinoto shifted from foot to foot.

"I actually made plans with a couple of my other friends, if you want to come."

"Sure!" He hesitated. "Wait, wouldn't I be intruding then?"

I stood, shaking my head. "No, I'm sure they won't mind."

We headed out the door, and began walking down the road to Ume and Gyutaro's house. Halfway there, a sudden lightheaded feeling came over me. I was sure it showed, as Hinoto took my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand gently.

"You okay? Wanna stop for a sec and rest a tiny bit?" His soft voice held concern, something I both appreciated and hated at the same time.

I don't want people to have to pity me.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just eat something when we get there." The words came out quietly.

The rest of the way to their house, Hinoto refused to let go of my hand. So when Ume opened the door to see me holding hands with a boy she didn't know, one could imagine her immediate curiosity.

"Hi Rui! How are you?" She turned her eyes to Hinoto. "Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Ume, and this is Gyutaro," she pulled her brother into the doorframe, earning a light shove in the shoulder from him. "Who are you?"

"My name's Hinoto. I'm Rui's friend!"

Ume shot a look at our hands, which were still intertwined, but didn't draw attention to it. Gyutaro, however, followed her gaze and raised one eyebrow. "Got a boyfriend?"

Yes yes, I know that he's 9 and Rui and Hinoto are 10 and 11 respectively. I remember my friends and I teasing each other like this when we were little so ima assume it's normal -_-

I quickly snatched my hand away, frantically trying to deny it to my younger friend.

"Your panic isn't helping you," he worded smugly.

A quick glare silenced him, and I went over to the kitchen in search of a snack while Hinoto got to know Ume and Gyutaro. Some leftover onigiri was enough, so I took one and listened in on their conversation while I ate.

"How long have you known Rui?"

Oh wonderful, they're talking about me. I thought sarcastically.

"About a week now."

I shouldn't be eavesdropping. I walked back over to them, and somehow the conversation shifted to the topic of school.

"It's almost summer break," Hinoto declared, "and I'm going on a camping trip with my sister and friend!"

"Where are you going?" Ume asked.

At this point I had tuned out the conversation, instead watching Kumo crawl over my fingers. But Hinoto's answer made me pause and look up with a questioning expression.

"Mount Natagumo!"

For a second, my brain didn't function or process the information, simply replaying memories from my time living there.

"Apparently there are some really cool land features there, and huge trees! There's even supposed to be a floating house. I can't wait to see that!"

"Aren't you worried about demons?" I asked. Even though the demonslayers had cleared out most of the demonic population, there was no way to know for sure if they were all gone.

"Demons... don't exist, Rui." Gyutaro reasoned. His words were hesitant, despite his bold claim.

It hadn't occurred to me that they might not know about demons. Shoot! Now they think I'm crazy.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Hinoto played along. "Oh, that reminds me, I was going to ask if you wanted to come!" He faced me with a hopeful smile.

Me? Going back to Mount Natagumo??

"Uhmm... I don't know. My dads might not approve." I wrung my hands guilty at the lie. They'd be reluctant and careful, of course, but they wouldn't stop me. Douma and Akaza trusted me to take care of myself, just like I'd done for a long time back on the mountain. It was only my own insecurity that was holding me back.

"Ask them for me?" Hinoto titled his had to one side. "Please? It'll be super fun, and I'll protect you from the 'demons', I promise!"

I let out a long sigh. "Alright, I'll ask."

Looks like we're going home.

Sorry for not updating, school is kicking me while I'm down right now T^T

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 🖤🪶🐈‍⬛

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