21 - Kokushibo/Muzan

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I know, I'm doubling down hard on Kokushibo's POV, but let's be honest, Rui isn't doing anything terribly important rn. I just want to get this part of the plot out of the way as quick as possible, with as little interruptions as possible.

Tomioka nodded, stepping back towards the door. "I'd like to talk to you later about this, Kokushibo. Send a crow when you're available." He left immediately after waving goodbye to Tanjiro, his Kasugai Crow trailing behind him.

Douma stared at me, his mouth handing open in surprise. Unable to hold himself back and longer, he exclaimed "What?! You'd do that for- for him??"

I raised my hand for quiet, trying to calm him down. "You would if it was Akaza who turned back."

"I wouldn't hurt Akaza-dono," he glared.

"I meant you'd put your life on the line for him."

"Of course I would do that, because I trust Kaza! Why would you put your life in the hands of someone we can't trust!?"

I narrowed my eyes, not removing my hand from the hilt of my sword. "I trust him."

We stared into each other's eyes for a long moment, when his widened. "Oh, OH." He dipped his head. "I- sorry. I'll just go back home..." As the man left the house, he messed with the battle fans he held, twirling them anxiously.

I in turn focused my cold eyes on the younger slayers. "Not a word to Muzan about this," I told them, earning myself a couple nods. Tanjiro's gaze held more emotion than he was showing. Strange, as the boy was usually open with how he felt, not being very closed off. "What?" I asked, locking eyes with him.

All he could do was shake his head, choosing to not share his thoughts.

Fine, be that way.

"I think you all have overstayed your welcome. By tonight when I come back out here, you all should be gone."


"My house, my rules."

The trio exchanged apprehensive glances, and I felt three pairs of eyes following me as I left the room. My head urged me to just go back and do something- anything else, but my feet carried me straight up to Muzan's room. I paused in front of the door, holding my hand an inch away from knocking. Steadying my breathing, I knocked twice before entering, sliding the door closed behind me.

"Why did you tell me to leave?" Muzan asked immediately, his voice surprisingly cold.

"All you need to know is that your life is spared."

"For now. One of them will try to kill me eventually." He turned his head to look at my katana, sheathed and attached to my waist. His eyes drifted up to my face, searching for any change in expression. Not finding any, he stood and stepped closer to me.

"I can't deny that that's a possibility," I told him.

"None are very likely to succeed, though." He drifted closer, stopping just in front of me. "You'd keep them away."

I nodded.

"Unless, you promised you wouldn't."

"I never promised that."

"Or you said that if anyone were to kill me, it'd be you." When I didn't respond, he pressed further onto that thought. "How badly do you want me dead?"

Shaking the specs of fury from my gaze, I stiffened. "I don't want you dead, Muzan."

"You could kill me- you even have the sword for it. I'm all that's stopping you from living a normal human life, so why not get rid of me?" The demon's voice broke slightly.

I pulled him into a hug, wrapping both my arms around his body and laying my head over his. A life without you in it isn't worth living, I thought quickly. Rest assured I would never hurt you.

Switch to Muzan's POV-

I froze as Kokushibo's words registered in my brain. Not to mention him hugging me voluntarily, which I hadn't expected at all.

"You're sure?" I asked after a brief hesitation, glancing down at the nichirin katana he had wielded minutes ago.


My muscles relaxed, releasing the built up tension in them. He must have felt the change, as Kokushibo took the opportunity to pull away. He left me thinking of whether or not he was going to address earlier events.

"I also want to return this." Kokushibo tipped my head up to make me look at him, and kissed me.

This one lasted a few seconds, but each second felt closer to a minute.

Cautioning thoughts ran through my head, telling me to not get attached in case he betrayed me in the future. But in the moment, I didn't care. It was too late for that anyways; I had already fallen for him.


The moon had risen over the town, bathing each house in a ghostly pale white light. Kokushibo had long since stilled, wrapped in a peaceful slumber for the night. In hushed voices, I could hear the trio talk amongst themselves outside, and could only imagine the chatter between demon slayers across Japan that I had returned. Or perhaps the hashira were keeping the situation quiet, and no one outside their ranks knew. Either way, I wasn't safe.

I turned over onto my side, carefully slipping out of my first uppermoon's arms. He was still beautiful, despite no longer being a demon. Kokushibo was perfect, and he was mine.

But I couldn't be his. I harbored danger, my history and current relationship with the demon slayers was putting his life at risk.

That couldn't happen.


So I didn't feel remorse as I slipped silently through the door, or as I walked down the moonlit street. Nor when my feet touched the soft grass at the edge of town, and as they carried me farther from what I was beginning to call home. I felt no sadness when I looked over my shoulder, half expecting to see my uppermoon standing there, waiting for me.

But when Kokushibo's voice rang through my head, asking where I was, the little part of my heart I'd regained shattered.

I couldn't bring myself to respond.

Before the misery could swallow me whole, I forced my cells to collapse in on themselves, forming a smaller, younger version of myself. Aura, scent, and identity, masked and hidden behind one demon's cowardly ability. No one saw or followed me as I disappeared into the trees.

Is this an okay chapter? Did I get their personalities okay? Let me know if not- I can fix it.

Also, sorry for not updating, school is being a //REDACTED//

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