13 - Rui

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I foresee a long and grueling writing process ahead of me...
(This takes place a few days after chapter 12)

(I realized halfway through writing this that some of it is a little bit unclear, so I added bolded text to label some features)

TW: sh, self-reproach

I shoved my book on flowers into the bag, completing my packing for the trip. Somehow, with the help of Akaza, I'd been able to fit everything I needed inside a medium sized bag, just small enough to carry. Without much else to do over the past few days, I'd begun hanging around Hinoto and Sakura more and more. They'd introduced me to Akame, another friend. She was nice, and like everyone else, taller than me by at least a foot.

I'd also spent more time talking to Kibutsuji via mind reading, he'd revealed to me that he had saved a page from an old doctor's book. On which he claimed to be the instructions on how to make a medicine that will turn a human into a demon. I retrieved a copy from him later that day, and had stuffed it into my bag alongside the book and a small vial of liquid.

My hand brushed against the little glass container, the insecurity of carrying the precious thing with me bearing down on my shoulders.

(Start flashback)
Last night, I'd slipped out my window quietly and walked to Kokushibo and Muzan's house, under the latter's instruction. The former demon king was sitting upright on his mattress, two of the vials laying in front of him. I clambered inside with difficulty, as his window was higher up than mine. As my feet hit the floor, he looked up and smiled at me.

I hadn't spent much time around Kibutsuji, so I was surprised to see him looking genuinely frail. When he was a demon, he had had pale skin and a small frame, but now, it was obvious he was not well.

"You don't have to be so stealthy, Rui. Kokushibo is asleep," he'd told me.

After I sat down, he told me about the contents of the vials, telling me that it could be taken orally, but to not use it until I've secured a blue spider lily. He also briefly thanked me for the help, explaining that Kokushibo had been looking for a way to fix his illness with no success.

"I don't know how one needs to take the lily, but eating the flower should be enough."

I'd returned home and hidden the vial as well as I could, making sure nothing could get to it and break the glass that encased the liquid.
(End flashback)

A housefly buzzed by my ear, snapping me out of my reflecting. Kumo lunged out to grab it, successfully wrapping it in webs.

"Nice catch," I told the spider, perking up a bit as I heard Douma calling my name from another room. "I'm coming!"

As I made my way over to the front door, another voice chimed in. Of course Hinoto's here.

"Hi Rui!" He smiled happily.

"Hey. What are we doing today?"

Hinoto wrung his hands. "I was going to ask if you wanted to come over and help me pack, but if you're busy, then I can just-"

"I'm free, let's go!" I grabbed his wrist, leading him away from my house while saying bye to Douma over my shoulder. He winced slightly at the touch and I let go, shooting him a glance of concern. He was still smiling, so I assumed it was nothing.

We made it to his place in good time, although when we got there, I had to sit down and breathe for a minute. When I felt okay, I looked around the quiet house.

"Where's your sister?"

"Oh, she's working today."

"It's starting to seem like she's always working," I mumbled quietly.

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