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"Beekit! Get down from there!" Beekit heard his mother's panicked wail up from the camp-tree, the highest point in camp. He looked down and saw Aldercry's wide eyes. Beekit twitched his whiskers, she looked like an ant.

"If I come down, I'll lose the bet!" Beekit called, digging his claws into the tree's bark. "What bet?" Aldercry gasped, then without waiting for an answer, Beekit saw her turn her head to glare at the other kits.
"Yeah! Come down Beekit!" Haykit mewed, her voice was thick with mock concern.
"Or stay up there," says Birchkit, "and face the wrath of your mother!!"

Aldercry turned back to her kit in the tree. "Beekit, come down please." She pleaded.
"I'm not losing to Scorchkit again!" Beekit decided and dug his claws in harder.
"A fighting spirit," purred a newcoming voice, "leave him be Aldercry, you were the same way."

"I don't care, Loudbird! My son is in danger!" Aldercry bristled. Cherrykit and Daisykit stood beside Loudbird, their pelts mimicking Aldercry, twitching uncomfortably.
"I'm not in danger!" Beekit insisted.

"Please come down, Beekit, you'll hurt yourself!" Fallenkit pleaded, Scorchkit sat beside her, showing no feeling, but Beekit could see his fur fluffing up anxiously.

Great StarClan, will this parade of fretting babblers never end?  Beekit screwed his face.
"I'll come down when Scorchkit admits that I'm better!" He called, then Aldercry turned to Scorchkit.
"Go on," she urged, "say it!"

Beekit saw Scorchkit's pelt spike up. He shot Beekit a quick glare before turning back to Aldercry.
"Okay. Beekit is so much better than me at all of our games!" He called out, so loud, that Beekit thought AlpClan could hear him from their cave in the mountains.

He added something that Beekit was too far to hear, but whatever it was, Haykit giggled.
"Alright, Scorchkit said it, come down now!" Aldercry demanded. Beekit snorted, then let himself slide down the tree.
Aldercry let out a wordless wail and hurried to Beekit's side.
Covering him with terrified licks.

"I'm okay!" Beekit insists, but Aldercry wouldn't let him go, she had to be pulled away by Loudbird.

The cold of leafbare chilled him, he shivered. It was much warmer in the branches. He bushed out his fur in an attempt to warm himself.
"Don't ever do this again, flea-brain!" Aldercry whined, pulling herself away from Loudbird.

"I won't." Beekit promised, then he turned his gaze to Scorchkit. "If I don't have to." Scorchkit's pelt bristled and he turned away.
"Just because you aren't as big as me doesn't mean you can climb a tree! Are you trying to kill yourself?" Scorchkit mumbled, his ears pinned flat to his head.

Beekit snorts, watching his breath billow in a cloud of steam. Frostkit and Fallenkit tumbled over each other to see if he was okay, which again, Beekit tells them he's fine.

"Let's play hide and seek!" Beekit exclaimed, trying to get his denmates to leave him be. "Not now, little ones." Beekit heard Loudbird mew.
"Rockstar is about to call a meeting."

"How do you know?" Cherrykit asked. In response, Loudbird flicked his tail over to the Calling Branch. Rockstar's sturdy figure loomed over, he looked powerful, like he deserved to be leader.
Beekit puffed out his chest.
My father is the leader of TrailClan! He thought with a proud twitch of his tail.

"Cats of TrailClan! Please gather around for a Clan Meeting!"

Beekit felt his pelt spike as warriors poured from the surrounding dens. They all murmured to each other as they sat under the Calling Branch. Rockstar waited as they all settled.

"Grasspaw, Bramblepaw, and Heatherpaw, please come forward."
Beekit watched in awe as the three apprentices strode calmly up front, right under the ledge.

"Birdstem, Sneezeblaze, and Snowshade." Rockstar meowed, his piercing stare resting on the mentors. Sneezeblaze, the Clan deputy, stumbled from the medic's den, Amberfish followed behind him, the smell of sick wafted from his pelt.
"Do you believe your apprentices are ready for their warrior status?"

The three apprentices glanced nervously at their mentors, who all nodded proudly.

Beekit watched as his father leaped from his ledge. He touched noses with all three apprentices before speaking again. "From this day forward, you will be known as Heatherwish, Grasstail, and Bramblelight."

All around, cats cheered out the names of the new warriors. Beekit glanced at Cherrykit. "That will be us in a few seasons." He reminded her, she nodded excitedly.
"Oh! I can't wait!" She purred, her black tail bushing up.

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