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"Beepaw! Cherrypaw!" TrailClan cheered. Beepaw heard the voices of his friends call out the loudest.
He turned to his sister and purred. "Cherrypaw." Cherrypaw closed her eyes in a long purr.
Once the cheers had died away, Rockstar spoke again.

"Bumblenose, you've proven yourself worthy of my kin, you've been a great friend and an outstanding warrior." Bumblenose dipped her head to Rockstar's praise. "I know you can teach Beepaw the strength and willpower you hold inside you."

"I will do everything in my power to make you as strong as you can be." Bumblenose vowed in Beepaw's ear as he touched his nose to hers.

"Nightfur, you have shaped me into the cat I am now, without you, I don't think I'd be where I am today." The old tom purred, flicking his tail over his paws. "Please pass your wisdom and courage onto Cherrypaw, just as you had done for me."

Beepaw glanced at his sister as she pressed her muzzle to her new mentor's. "Pretty convenient time to start training new 'paws." Beepaw heard Foxsky mumble to Spiderdrift. Spiderdrift nodded and whispered back. "Especially after Bumblenose's report."

Beepaw blinked a few times, then turned to look at his father, who were glaring at the two toms. Once the two had noticed, they hushed away.

"Meeting dismissed, Bumblenose, Nightfur, feel free to escort them around TrailClan territory."
Rockstar mewed, leaping down from the Calling Branch and padding into his den with Aldercry, the two of them twined their tails together before disappearing.

Beepaw glanced expectantly at Bumblenose, who looked back at him with amusement clear in her eyes.
"It's almost sundown, you should be well rested for tomorrow." She purred.

Beepaw looked at his friends as they swarmed their mothers, complaining games would never be the same without Beepaw and Cherrypaw. And Beepaw agreed. Now that he was an apprentice, he wouldn't have any time to see his friends for a moon!

Cherrypaw blinked and ushered him into their new den, where Tanglepaw and Wasppaw curled up in their nests. "Hey there, newpaws'!" Wasppaw mewed, patting a nest with her tail.

"You two can sleep here." She purred and rested her chin on her paws. "I heard Nightfur made Rockstar hang from a tree by his jaw when he spoke too much on patrol." Fawnpaw mumbled. "Be careful, Cherrypaw."

Cherrypaw bristled but said nothing. Beepaw could see Wasppaw's sides rising and falling as she slept.
Stepping into the open nest beside, Wasppaw and Cherrypaw settled in beside him.

Excitement quickly died away as sleep pushed its way forward.
I'm ready for you, TrailClan.

"Newpaws, wake up." Beepaw woke to paws shaking him. "Bumblenose wants you." His eyes had adjusted and he saw Fawnpaw standing over him. Beepaw looked over to see that Cherrypaw had already gone. With a grunt, Beepaw sat up.
Stumbling from his uncomfortable nest, he peered outside the den.

Haykit sat outside the kindle, she and Beepaw locked eyes for a moment before she sulked back inside.
"Beepaw!" Bumblenose exclaimed, beckoning him forward.

"Cherrypaw's been waiting since sunup." Nightfur mumbled, flicking his tail towards Beepaw's sister.
Bumblenose led Cherrypaw and Beepaw outside of camp and into the forest. All of Beepaw's sleepiness vanished as he stared out onto the land, his mind raced.
The camp-sheltering trees faltered and out stretched a wide rocky moor, the sound of rushing water pierced his ears. There was nothing more beautiful than this that he's ever seen.

"It goes on forever!" Cherrypaw gasped. She leaned into Beepaw as if the forest were crushing her.
"Welcome to TrailClan territory." Nightfur mewed, as the apprentices gaped at the scenery.
Nightfur took in a deep breath. "It's good to be out here, leafbare is almost over, the fat prey should be running soon." Nightfur purred.

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