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"Get off our territory!" Beepaw watched the tom flee from AlpClan land. His name was Maelstrom, Beepaw knew from all his repetitive dreams about the tom and his family for the past three weeks.
"If you come back, we'll give you a fight you won't forget in a hurry!" A AlpClan warrior growled as the fleeing Maelstrom hurtled across the border and to his makeshift camp.

"Oh stars!" Maelstrom's mother, whose name is Forest, scooped him up close, making him drop his prey.
"Where's Fox?" Maelstrom looked around the makeshift camp.
"He insisted I let him out to hunt." She glanced at Shade and Thicket, who were splashing around in a puddle of rainwater. "He says we should take advantage of the greenleaf prey."
It's greenleaf here? Beepaw snorted. No wonder it's been so hot. I must be looking into the future. He blinked, unsure why it had taken him almost a moon to figure it out.
"Tell Fox that he should be careful, the group cats are more violent than ever." Maelstrom fretted. "And there are storm clouds coming this way, they'd double their patrols if prey gets scarce," He added, "then there'll be no way we could hunt there."

Beepaw watched as Forest took his words into careful consideration. "I'm back!" He turned his head and saw Fox tumbling into the makeshift camp, preyless and covered in claw marks.
Beepaw winced, these cats were his age and getting sliced like rogues. Fox staggered over to Forest, who stared with her ears pinned back.

"Great moon!" She gasped, hurrying to his side. "What happened to you?" She whimpered as she dragged her tongue over the bloodiest wound.
"The group cats set a trap for Maelstrom!" Fox wheezed. "I was hunting and then I set my paw on some rope," Fox showed his paw, which was twisted at an ugly angle, "as soon as my paw was stuck, six of them attacked me!" He flopped over, obviously the pain in his paw hadn't gotten to him yet.

"After they all clawed me a few times, a golden tom, I think he was called Fallowpaw, said 'this isn't the white one!' And a red queen... Lost...something,  said 'he carries his scent!'" Fox wheezed. "They let me go with a message." He bushed up his fur and gazed at Maelstrom.
"The next time they catch your scent on their land, they'll track you down and kill you!"

Beepaw saw Maelstrom stiffen. "Those fox-hearts!" Forest hissed, leaping to her paws. "These cats have harmed my kits, and they won't get away with it!" She growled, barging out of the hollow. Beepaw sat and waited with her kits in the makeshift camp. He decided that waiting was dumb.
I'm in a dream, they can't see me. He huffed then followed Forest's scent into TideClan territory. As her scent got stronger, the smell of her dread got thicker, then the stench of her blood filled his nose, choking him.

He peered around until he saw her tortie pelt lying on the grass, bloodied and torn, her eyes were dull and crows were circling around above her. "Great StarClan." Beepaw mumbled, remembering what Nightfur had said on his first day as an apprentice: They're completely harmless, I bet they've forgotten how to fight.
He stared in horror as the crows descended, cawing and chirping at each other and the larger ones picked at her pelt.

Beepaw was alerted by a rustle in the fronds as Maelstrom appeared, his eyes widened at the sight before him and he lurched as if he were about to vomit. "Mother." He whispered, Beepaw watched as Maelstrom yowled, and flung himself at the crows.
They scattered and flew into the branches of the trees. "Get away from her!" He screeched as he sliced one of the birds across their wings. Beepaw could see the anger in his eyes as he tucked underneath Forest, hauling her body back to his littermates.
Thicket let out a wail  when she saw her, Shade and Fox stared with expressions of doubt. But as soon as they realized, they joined their sister in loud wails.

"Beepaw." Beepaw woke to Nightfur's prodding. "I need you to gather fresh moss for Loudbird." He blinked open his eyes to see the dark warrior glaring at him.
Bumblenose was confined to the medics den for the past half moon because she ate a bad shrew.Beepaw groaned, for the last three quarter moons, he had been sent to gather moss for the elders and dams. He missed his first outings, where the territory seemed to stretch forever. Now, he's seen every tree, every rock, every field of moss, and every puddle of water.

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