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Back in camp, the AlpClan prisoners were silent, their ears pricked as if they were expecting battle. The TrailClan cats were in quiet shock after seeing the bodies of Riversky and Birdstem at the foot of the mountain, after bringing them back, the patrol sat in silent vigils for the two nobel cats.

Frostbite was pressed against Beefrost, warming him after the harsh rain had ended. "TrailClan and AlpClan!" Bumblestar howled from the Calling Branch, The white-furred AlpClan cats blinked gratefully to be included in the meeting. "The death of Birdstem was one that I had not anticipated for many more moons, and Riversky was my next choice as my deputy, but seeing as he's gone too..." She turned to Tinyheart. "Tinyheart will act as TrailClan deputy until I've decided who shall take Birdstems place."

"Tinyheart! Tinyheart!" Both Clans cheered out Tinyheart's name, then fell silent as the gathered cats slipped into their dens. "Fawngleam, Birchclaw, come to me." Bumblestar mewed, then disappeared into her den.

"Tinyheart, Hollowthroat, Mistynose." Scorchtail mewed bitterly, Beefrost looked over to see the scorn in his eyes. "We've stolen the heart of AlpClan."

"You heard Goldstar before we left." It was Grasstail who spoke. "All the duties have been filled." Beefrost blinked, this was his fault.

Heading blindly for the warriors den, He closed his eyes, drinking in the last stale scents of Haypetal in her abandoned nest.

The mouse nearly escaped from him, but he hooked it up with his claw and killed it swiftly with a bite to the neck. Beefrost let out a satisfied purr. Still think I'm not good enough to have on hunting patrols? He challenged scornfully. The sweet scent of the mouse urged him to take a bite, but he didn't. As hungry as he was, he would never forget the number one rule.

Snatching the mouse by its tail, Beefrost trotted back to camp proudly, the AlpClan cats were gone, they had returned home the night before. Setting his mouse on the pile of prey, he spotted Ripplepaw and Galepaw circling Graypaw excitedly, Foxpaw and her littermates were nowhere to be seen.

The busy camp was alive with chatter, and yet, none of the cats had even acknowledged Beefrost. He gave a snort of contempt. Not even Frostbite glanced in his direction. "TrailClan!" Bumblestar called out, and the clearing filled up.

There were ceremonial words but all muffled. Ripplepaw, Graypaw, and Galepaw scampered ahead to sit beneath the Calling Branch. "From this moment on, you shall be known as Rippleleaf, Graywhisker, and Galestorm!" Pride surged through Beefrost hearing the warrior names of his daughters, the Clan began to cheer, but the moment Beefrost tried to join, the world went away and he was thrown into darkness.

Beefrost hit something with a thud, but it wasn't the ground. It looked as if he were still falling, the floor beneath him was black, it was black all around, but when he looked down at his paws, he could see just fine.

Up ahead, there was a cat, it had its back turned to Beefrost. It had very thin fur. "Hello?" Beefrost called, but the strange cat didn't acknowledge him. Beefrost took a few steps closer to the cat, then found himself right beside it.

Looking closely now, Beefrost watched as the cat took in a heavy breath, its thin black fur was smooth. There were white patches on its throat and tail, one of its paws was white, and so was its muzzle. By the smell, Beefrost could tell it was a tom. "Who are you?" Beefrost ordered from the strange cat. But the tom didn't respond. Not with words anyway.

The black and white cat flicked his ear, then opened his eyes, which were the brightest golden Beefrost had ever seen. He gave a sympathetic purr, and then there was silence again.

"You're in trouble." The tom said, Beefrost couldn't take this tom seriously, not with that glitter of amusement in his eyes. "Who are you." Beefrost repeated, making it sound more like a demand this time.

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