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Beekit peeked from his hiding spot, hoping the billowing cloud of his breath wouldn't give him away. A half moon had passed since Bramblelight, Heatherwish, and Grasstail became warriors, and Beekit thought it was getting warmer already.
His paws ached with the cold though, and hiding out in one spot wasn't helping.

Daisykit, who had been sick in the medic's den, was finally able to play again, and what better way to celebrate than to play her favorite game!
Beekit stretched his neck to see over the patch of grass he was hiding in.
He heard Birchkit complaining earlier when Daisykit had found him. So Birchkit and Daisykit are looking, but it doesn't matter, because Beekit is the best hider there is!

Beekit heard a squawk as Haykit was caught. He struggled to keep himself still, as the cold grass numbed his paws.
Perhaps I should go look for a warmer spot. He decided, then crept from the shadows.
He made sure the coast was clear before treading into a dead-end.

Ahead of him, he heard Haykit giggling as Scorchkit gasped with a squeal. He glanced around the empty clearing. One of the dens should be warm enough. He hesitated. Kits weren't allowed in other dens, then an idea struck him. As quiet as he could, he raced for the elders' den.

Beekit hurried into a space between Badgertuft's nest and Badgertuft himself. "What? What are you doing?" He grumbled, Beekit shushed him.
"I'm hiding!" He told the elder.
"In here?"
"Yes in here! Now shush before Haykit finds me!"

Badgertuft opened his mouth to argue more, but Loudbird slapped him with his tail.
"Let the kit play, you spiteful old bag of bones." He purred, Badgertuft snorted. "Go hide in Loudbird's nest." Then he nudged Beekit towards the white tom.

Loudbird hauled him into his nest and sat on him, it hurt a lot less than Beekit thought it would.
"I heard Beekit's voice over here!" Scorchkit called, a few tail-lengths away.
Haykit squeezed through the entrance of the den, her fluffy golden fur bushing up to look twice her size.

Beekit made sure they couldn't see his eyes as he peered at them through Loudbird's fur. "Where is Beekit?" Haykit mewed.
"What makes you think he's in here?" Badgertuft mewed with forced playfulness. Daisykit pushed in after Haykit and sniffed around.
"I can smell him, and Scorchkit heard his voice in here!"

Loudbird purred. "Go look somewhere else, little ones." As he spoke, his fur quivered, making it graze over Beekit's nose.
Mouse-dung! He tried his best to hold in his upcoming sneeze, but it failed and Haykit's fur bushed up again.

Daisykit crashed into Loudbird's side, making him stumble. He must've fallen long enough for the other kits to see him, because his wind was knocked out as Haykit dived on him.

"Ow!" Beekit gasped, scrambling out from under Haykit's forest of fur.
"Be nice, Haykit," Loudbird purred, nudging her off of Beekit.

Beekit heard Badgertuft snort. "I don't get how you can tolerate them." He mumbled. "Go away kits, go find the others." Badgertuft grunted.
Beekit nodded then hurried out of the den with Daisykit and Haykit.

"Thanks for letting me hide in here!" Beekit turned his head to look over his shoulder at Loudbird.

Now back in the clearing, Beekit studied who all was there. Daisykit and Haykit were with him, so Birchkit and Scorchkit must be looking for Cherrykit, Fallenkit, and Frostkit.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Frostkit wailed, stumbling away from Birchkit and Scorchkit.
"Two to go!" Daisykit exclaimed.

"Ohh Cherrykit?" Beekit called out, his ears pricked for his sister.
"Fallenkit?" Scorchkit squeaked.
Beekit saw the afternoon-patrol flood into camp with Bumblenose in the lead. She rushed to Rockstar's den.

"Rockstar!" Bumblenose huffed. Beekit paused, eager to see what was happening.
"There are AlpClan scents over two tree-lengths inside our border." Beekit stiffened. "This was not an accident!"

Rockstar's form appeared silhouetted against the setting sun. Beekit could see his tail twitching uncomfortably.
"It's still leafbare, they must've run out of mountain prey." He reasoned, seeming to be trying to convince himself more than Bumblenose. With a sigh, Rockstar bristled. "Come to me at sunhigh, we'll discuss this then."

Bumblenose nodded, then turned to the patrol. "Tanglepaw, Fawnpaw, you did well, go eat and rest up for your mentors tomorrow."
Tanglepaw and Fawnpaw nodded, then broke away from the patrol.

"Stop staring! We need to find Cherrykit!" Beekit blinked and saw Fallenkit gazing at him, her eyes wide.
"Found her!" Haykit gasped. Beekit looked over quickly and saw Cherrykit being dragged in.
"Sneaky slug! She hid under the prey pile!"

All the kits let out gasps. "I found her after Tanglepaw pulled off a shrew!" Haykit purred.
"That was the best game I've played in a while!" Daisykit mewed.

"Kits!" Beekit heard Larchgaze calling them, one by one, they all scrambled into the kindle.
Aldercry scooped Beekit up and began to lick him clean.
"Aldercry! What are you doing?" He asked, trying to get away. He saw Cherrykit twitching her whiskers at him and it made him squirm more.

Aldercry let Beekit go and pulled Cherrykit, she squealed but nothing could stop the force of Aldercry's tongue.

"What's all this about?" Scorchkit mewed. "It will be your turn in a moon, kits." Hazelclaw mewed, then she turned to Larchgaze's kits. "You might actually share a ceremony!"

Beekit froze, he opened his mouth but no words came out. Luckily, Cherrykit spoke for him.
"Are we being made apprentices?" She howled, her tail stuck straight up and her eyes glittered with pride, making Aldercry purr.
"Straighten your whiskers, you need to look perfect!" Aldercry huffed.

"Cats of TrailClan!" Rockstar called. "Please gather around for a Clan meeting!"

Beekit found it hard to keep still now, fidgeting with his paws, he closed his eyes. "I knew this was coming but not so soon." He admitted, then Cherrykit whimpered.
"What if I get a cat like Badgertuft as a mentor?" She fretted.
"Whoever you get, it's what's best for you, go on now." Aldercry purred, ushering her kits from the kindle.

"Cherrykit and Beekit, come forward please." Rockstar mewed, and all eyes turned to them, Beekit saw pride and adoration in their gazes.
"Do you two promise to serve your kin and defend your Clan with everlasting loyalty?" Rockstar asked, Beekit saw the love pouring out of his father's stare.

"I do!" Beekit vowed.
"I do." Cherrykit mewed, sounding a bit nervous.

"Then until you've earned your warrior name, I give you the names Beepaw and Cherrypaw!"

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