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The cool day was over as quickly as it started, Beefrost's paws itched, regret prickled in his claws but he quickly pushed the feeling away. He had to do this. Beefrost was wide awake as the black moon rose, darkness was all around, it was nearly moonhigh, the thinnest sliver of moon would provide little light, keeping away any uninvited eyes.

Beefrost stood in his nest, making sure to keep his tail stilled and held up as to not touch one of the sleeping cats. So much of his plan relies on his den edicate. If he woke one warrior, his plan would be ruined. Stepping onto Haypetal's nest, he placed a paw on her, shaking her.

Haypetal blinked open her eyes, her mouth open as she stammered out sleepy words. "Haypetal." Beefrost whispered, he could just make out her drowsy eyes shining in the weak moonlight. "What is it?" She hissed quietly. "I want to show you something." Beefrost mewed, relieved to see her golden pelt rippling as she stood.

"This better be good." Haypetal grumbled, Beefrost noticed the sway on her paws and fought back a hiss. Beefrost lead her through a tear in the camp wall. Rainfallwhisker was guarding the camp entrance, and Beefrost couldn't risk being seen. He guided Haypetal into the moor, it was eerie under the black moon, wind made the grass rustle.

He veered away from the moor and closer to the place of shallow water, he was sure he was nearing the edge. Beefrost leaped down with cold water splashing up onto his paws, he heard a squawk as Haypetal tumbled off of the ledge, her belly full of kits had made her struggle to spin and land on her feet, but she did, nearly slipping.

"What's so important about twoleg water that you had to drag me out of a well earned sleep on the darkest night of all nights!" Beefrost slapped his soaked tail over her mouth. "Answer a question for me." He started, ignoring the irritable hiss that came from Haypetal.

"Why did you choose Maelstrom?" He wanted an answer, but Haypetal gave a snarl. "You dragged me out here to say that?"

"ANSWER ME!" Beefrost howled, making Haypetal shut her mouth. The two of them sat in long silence before Haypetal dipped her head. "I chose Maelstrom as my mate because he always gave me love, no matter what. Not when it convenienced him! He was there for me when Fallendust died! And you forgot about her!"
Beefrost found himself at a loss for words, then rage exploded inside of him. "I tried to be there for you! It's not my fault I couldn't snuggle with you in the apprentices den. I was a warrior for StarClan's sake!" Seething, Beefrost saw the fear in her eyes, and he felt triumph over rage. "You're infecting TrailClan with dirty blood! Outsiders like Maelstrom should never have a place in this Clan! And certainly not a place in kits!"

"Maelstrom is just as TrailClan as any other cat!"
"He's a loner! An outsider!"
"He's my mate and there's nothing you can do to change that!"
"You're tainting our Clan with your disgusting kits!"

Beefrost flicked his tail to point at her belly. "They are not disgusting kits!" Haypetal screeched and launched herself at Beefrost, who was ready for her attack. Her moons in the kindle had made her soft, and her unborn kits were weighing her down. Beefrost gripped her with his toes, just as he had done in the training sessions as apprentices.

"Maelstrom is just as TrailClan as any other cat!"
"He's a loner! An outsider!"
"He's my mate and there's nothing you can do to change that!"
"You're tainting our Clan with your disgusting kits!"

Beefrost flicked his tail to point at her belly. "They are not disgusting kits!" Haypetal screeched and launched herself at Beefrost, who was ready for her attack. Her moons in the kindle had made her soft, and her unborn kits were weighing her down. Beefrost gripped her with his toes, just as he had done in the training sessions as apprentices.
Haypetal's thick, waterlogged pelt spewed water into Beefrost's eyes, Haypetal tried to claw him, but she was growing tired, her movements became slow. He saw the rage in Haypetal's eyes die away, replaced by sorrow.

"You've got a mate and kits of your own, why are you still padding after me?" Beefrost released her, and stepped back, her question genuinely making him think. "My heart always belonged to you." He murmured under his breath. With a heavy sigh, Haypetal sloshed over, pressing her damp muzzle against Beefrost's chest fur. Warmth rippled through his heart as she lapped at the water on his shoulder.

This is it. Maybe I don't have to carry out my plan. Hope bloomed inside of him, but Haypetal stepped away, when Beefrost looked at her, he saw her eyes were dark.
"Well get over it." She hissed. Idiot! Beefrost let out an outraged screech, making Haypetal flinch back. He rounded on her, claws outstretched, raking them over her face, she stumbled back with a cry. Beefrost was thrilled to see the blood shooting from the wound he had given her. "What is wrong with you?" Haypetal wailed, but Beefrost wasn't done.

"You've given me no choice, Haypetal." He whispered to her in a snarl. Haypetal backed away, turning, she was going to run. No! Beefrost leaped on her, barreling her down into the water, with a gasp, Haypetal struggled, but Beefrost thrusted his paws into the water and held her by the throat.

Beefrost gave a delighted screech after seeing Haypetal's face contort with the waves of the water. He could see the panic in her eyes as her feeble swipes grew weaker. Beefrost would not let her go, he held her under, reveling in the speed of her heartbeat as she tried to struggle again.

He watched her eyes grow dull as life drained from her. Haypetal's struggling seized and her paws fell limply into the water with a plop. Her eyes were half closed, and the bubbles that erupted from her muzzle were gone.

Haypetal is dead.

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