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"Never take your eyes off of your opponent." Bumblenose instructed him, her back was arched and her ears were pinned flat to her head.
Beepaw copied her stance as best as he could. Without warning, Bumblenose leaped at him, and Beepaw caught her, wrapping his paws around her shoulders and latching on with his toes pressing hard into her pelt.

The two rolled over in a ball of fur and tail until Bumblenose pinned him down with a yowl of triumph. "That's six!" Bumblenose said. "I honestly expected better from you, Beepaw." She murmured. Beepaw sat up as Bumblenose got off of him.

"You're a lot bigger than me!" Beepaw whined, his chest felt sore from all the times Bumblenose rammed into him. Bumblenose snorted. "There will always be cats bigger than you, you just have to know how to beat them," she circled him then continued, "your small size makes you more agile than your opponent, here, practice this." She stopped circling and dropped to her belly, she snaked forward and flipped onto her back, dragging her claws across an imaginary enemy's belly.

Beepaw couldn't help but be awestruck, the fluidity of her movements seemed unreal. She stopped just before Beepaw with an exhilarating look on her face. "What did you do?" He asked her, and was met by a purr.

"It's a pretty simple move, get down like you're hunting." She dropped to her paws as she had done before, "then you kick out your hind legs, you'll propel yourself," Bumblenose did as she instructed, but this time, Beepaw was paying close attention, "keep pushing yourself forward until you're under your opponents belly, and when you do that," she flipped onto her back and swiped her claws over the warm newleaf air.
"Turn over your back and rake your claws against their belly." Bumblenose stood up quickly and trotted over to him.

"I'll be the enemy." She mewed, her fur bushing up to look twice her size.  Beepaw nodded then dropped to the ground, he watched as Bumblenose guarded her belly, making him grumble.
How am I supposed to do the move if she's blocking me? He thought, then he shook his head. In a battle, enemies always guard themselves, mouse-brain.

Beepaw dropped to a crouch and Bumblenose dropped too, they began to circle each other, Beepaw didn't see a way to get to her, he let out a huff of frustration. Using all his strength, he kicked on the ground, sending him halfway across the clearing they were training in. Bumblenose leaped, jumping over him, but Beepaw was quicker. Instinct took over his paws and he dug his toes into her haunches, catching her in the air and cutting her leap short.

"Great StarClan!" Bumblenose exclaimed as she hit the grass with a thud. "I'm sorry!" Beepaw gasped. Bumblenose gave him a surprised look then twitched her whiskers. "Did you use that one in the kindle?" She asked, then her ears flicked.
"I would've been in a world of pain if your claws had been out." She mewed, her eyes traveling over his body affectionately.

Beepaw kicked at the grit with his paws and glanced at the sky. The warm breeze swished the leaves on the tall pines. Bumblenose also glanced at the sky, but her reason was to tell the time.
"Ah, sunhigh already?" She mewed. "Do you want to keep training or carry on tomorrow?" Beepaw thought about her words then nodded softly. "Let's keep training."

"You'll have to teach me that grab." She mewed, crouching down and bushing up her fur. "But the way to master this move is to dart before they can get down. Come try it again."

Beepaw nodded then watched as Bumblenose straightened her body. He crouched and sprang as soon as she was standing upright and made it under her, but before he could turn and rake her, she brought her hind paw down on his face.

"Better!" She purred. "But your opponent won't sit there and take it." Beepaw struggled to his paws then tried again, but Bumblenose was ready and leaped onto his back.

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