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Beefrost blinked open his eyes, a dull ache rang in his mind. Where am I? He looked around. Definitely not in TrailClan territory. He was growing aware of the fog gathering at his paws, which were under water, shallow water. Beefrost felt his skin burn with the realization.

"Beefrost!" The voice made his face screw with disgust. It was Maelstrom. He heard his paws skittering down the slope where he had fallen, listening as water splashed when Maelstrom set his paw down.

Beefrost could smell the fear coming from Maelstrom. He knew this place too.

"Beefrost, Frostbite's worried about you." The white tom spoke, although they couldn't see each other. "You left without telling anyone, and you've been gone for nearly two days!" How would he know that I'm here? Beefrost growled, watching as Maelstrom's shadow took shape in the fog.

"How did you find this place?" He mewed, Beefrost scoffed, then scowled. Mouse-brain! Now he knows you're here! He stayed silent still.

"Your kits are looking for you. Graykit's convinced Creekstar's spirit snatched you. She's terrorizing her sisters."

"Keep my kits' names out of your filthy mouth!" Beefrost felt the voice explode from his chest, he found himself panting, struggling to breathe. Maelstrom seemed unfazed by his outburst. "I'm only trying to help!" He hissed, his thin fur prickling. "You've helped plenty!" Beefrost snapped, and Maelstrom fell silent.

They stared at each other for a long moment before Beefrost sloshed through the fog until he stood face to face with the small tom. He watched as Maelstrom cowarded back, much to Beefrost's delight. "Frostbite's afraid you died, Ripplekit couldn't get to sleep last night."

Hearing this disgusting excuse for a cat utter the name of his TrailClan family made Beefrost's blood boil hotter than the greenleaf sun. This mange-ridden, crowfood-eating, miserable loner thinks he can do whatever he wants!

Fast as lightning, Beefrost struck Maelstrom with a quick slash to the cheek, the white tom let out a surprised yelp and stumbled down into the water. His eyes were still over the surface as Beefrost stood over him. He could tell Maelstrom was afraid. Good.

"Alright." Beefrost huffed, flicking his tail to tell Maelstrom to stand. "Why are you so worried about my mate?" He grumbled under his breath, loud enough for Maelstrom to hear. But the white tom didn't respond, he only splashed his bleeding scratch with the water and followed from a small distance.

"Beefrost!" The moment he entered camp, he heard Graykit's voice among the chatter. She raced from the kindle and sat at his paws. "Where did Creekstar take you?" She asked eagerly, then with a glance at Maelstrom behind him, she tipped her head. "Did he fight her off?"

Beefrost knew at once his daughter was talking about the scratch he had dealt. "I left on my own, and Creekstar didn't take me." He told the little gray tabby, her amber eyes widened, then she turned and scrambled back into the kindle. For a moment, he wondered why his daughters knew who Creekstar was, but he had no time to ask, he saw white as Maelstrom brushed past him, following his daughter into the kindle.

Visiting Haypetal. Beefrost knew that's what he was doing. Anger stormed inside of his belly like that StarClan-cursed storm that brought Maelstrom. His thoughts were cut short as Bumblestar leaped up onto her branch, her chest puffed out as she inhaled to call the Clan.

Beefrost was already in the clearing, but he watched as the empty camp became speckled. Cherryheart and Birchclaw stood beside their kits, their eyes proud. He thought he could hear Birchclaw giving Bearpaw words of encouragement. Warrior ceremony. Beefrost decided.

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