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Forest hurried through the thickets, digging her way down under the roots of a large tree, her paws ached with the effort and her swollen belly churned inside, her kits were coming.

Forest pressed her claws against the dirt, with no cat around to help her, she bared the pain of her kitting alone, and soon, four squealing bundles lay at her side, scrambling over each other for her milk.
Her eyes filled with blurred emotion and Forest vowed she would love them forever.

Two moons passed and her kits toppled over each other, boasting about how well they could behave. Forest closed her eyes, letting the purrs of her kittens lull her to sleep, as she began to dream, she felt the bodies of her kits press against hers. And soon, all their breaths became one.

"Mice and squirrels require different hunting tactics." Forest had told her kits when they'd awoken. "Mice are fast and cautious, Squirrels are fast and reckless." Her heart beamed with pride as her kits nodded in understanding.
Maelstrom was the most attentive, Fox and Shade still listened closely, and Thicket messed with her tail.
Forest pulled her tail away, but after seeing a glimmer of disappointment in her eye, she couldn't keep it away for long.

Forest and her kits traveled across many terrains, they've seen moors, hills, caves, and lakes. Her kits were almost four moons old now, and Maelstrom had shown her time and time again how good a hunter he could be, no matter the conditions.
Thicket and her brothers remained as playful as ever.

They continued to travel, it took them a quarter moon to cross over a mountain, up and down. Shade complained the whole way up, then laughed and cheered all the way down.
Fox seemed to be afraid of the wonderful view they had seen. Forest had to scold Thicket many times, for her harebrained attempts to leap all the way down the mountain.

Once they had reached the bottom, Forest's kits mewed sleepily, she purred, digging a hole beneath a tree, then bringing her kits close, and once again, their breaths became one.

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