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"Do you three promise to defend your kin and protect your Clan, even if it costs you your life?" Rockstar said boldly.
"I do!"
"I do!"
"I do."
The three kits answered in unison, Daisykit still keeping her prideful act. But Beepaw could see the way her pelt quivered.

"Then from this day forward, until you've earned your warrior name, You will be known as Scorchpaw, Birchpaw, and Daisypaw."

"Scorchpaw! Birchpaw! Daisypaw!" TrailClan cheered, Beepaw noticed that the deputy, Sneezeblaze, was peering from the medics den, his eyes bright with interest.
"Scorchpaw, your mentor will be Eaglehare," Rockstar turned his eyes to the red queen, "you've been denied your turn to teach for too long, I trust you to pass on your patience and skill to Scorchpaw." Eaglehare dipped her head in respect, her amber eyes gleaming.

"Birchpaw, your mentor will be Birdstem, you've proved yourself a strong mentor with Foxsky and Bramblelight, and I hope you can teach the qualities of a warrior to this young tom." Birdstem dipped her head. "I will, Rockstar."

"Daisypaw, your mentor will be Heatherwish." Heatherwish's eyes gleamed with the announcement. "Heatherwish was the top performing apprentice within his denmates, more than worthy of training an apprentice of his own."

Riversky cheered out the names of his kits along side Hazelclaw. "We can see the territory now?" Birchpaw turned his head to Birdstem, the blue queen purred. "Of course, there's a lot to see, so be ready." Eaglehare nudged Scorchpaw. "Let's go, the sun high in the sky, warm and perfect for tours!"

"Oh yes, you three are lucky, Snowshade toured me through the snow mounds." Heatherwish mewed, following Daisypaw and her brothers out of the camp.

"Looks like they'll be sleeping with us!" Cherrypaw purred behind him in the medic's den. Her wounds were dressed with a pulp and cobwebs. "You're okay?" Beepaw asked.
"Yeah, just little wounds, I didn't mean to cause trouble for the rest of the Clan."

Beepaw saw a sadness in her eyes that wrenched his heart. "Amberfish said Bumblenose should be okay to start training you again."
Beepaw twitched his ears as Cherrypaw slid into the medic's den and disappeared behind the lichen that sheltered the den.

Bumblenose stepped out just as Cherrypaw had gone and purred when she saw him.

"I'll show you some simple battle moves tomorrow." She mewed. "Do you feel better?" Beepaw asked. "No bad prey can keep Bumblenose grounded for long, I've had more bellyaches than you've eaten mice!" She exclaimed with the flick of her tail. "You can catch up with Larchgaze's kits." Beepaw watched as she stumbled into the warriors' den.

Beepaw purred as he heard Daisypaw cheer in the distance, he remembered his first time out a moon ago. It seemed like so long ago but Beepaw knew it wasn't.

He made his way to the kindle, working his nose for the scents of his friends. "Larchgaze?" He called out after finding no fresh scents of his friends, only Larchgaze's snoring figure. Beepaw thought about waking her, but shook the thought away. There's no good from a cranky dam. Leaving the kindle, he caught sight of Frostkit and Fallenkit by the edge of the clearing.

"Curse this thick pelt!" He heard Haykit hiss. "Stop twisting and maybe I'll be able to pull them out!" Fallenkit spat back. Beepaw crept forward, craning his neck to see Haykit sprawled on the gritty camp floor with burrs covering her pelt.

"Great StarClan," Beepaw mewed, making Frostkit and Fallenkit's eyes widen as they wiped their heads around to face him. "Where'd you get all these burrs from?" He asked, hooking one in his claw as he sat beside them.

"We wanted to sneak out of camp while Larchgaze was sleeping, but Haykit's fur was too thick and caught on every burr!" Fallenkit whined. "We didn't even make it out of camp!" Frostkit added, her yellow eyes glittered with annoyance.

"Please don't tell Larchgaze." Haykit pleaded. "I won't, this time." Beepaw mewed. "But you aren't supposed to leave."

"But Birchpaw and Daisypaw will be too busy to play! You and Cherrypaw are proof." Frostkit huffed. "What about Scorchpaw?" Beepaw asked. "He's been acting like a 'paw since you and Cherrypaw left." Haykit snorted.

"Yeah, he gets the ticks and fleas off of the elders when all the other apprentices are out hunting." Frostkit added, plucking a burr off of Haykit, who let out a wordless hiss.

"One more moon! Look out TrailClan!" She howled, jumping to her paws. "Hush! You'll wake Larchgaze!" Fallenkit batted Haykit over her ears. "I wanna go to the Gathering." Frostkit murmured out loud, but to herself.

"I heard Bumblenose was going to teach you battle moves tomorrow, I bet you're excited." Fallenkit mewed. Beepaw gave her a nod, but if he were to be honest, he wasn't really looking forward to it. Sore paws for moons. He thought bitterly.

"I'll leave you be now, don't go sneaking out of camp." Beepaw told them, earning a snort from Haykit. "The apprentice life has ruined you, Beepaw!" Was the last thing Beepaw heard before he plucked a finch from the fresh-kill pile. He made his way to the medic's den where Wasppaw was confirming  Cherrypaw's treatment with Amberfish.

"Dock, horse tail, and goldenrod." Wasppaw said confidently, Amberfish nodded. "Yes, and do you think there could be anything else to give her?"

Cherrypaw blinked at Wasppaw and Wasppaw glanced at the herb store. "Are you in pain?" She mewed to Cherrypaw. "Not as bad, but my wounds still sting." 

"Only a minor sting, it should feel better with a few licks." Wasppaw said decisively.  "Well done. Oh, hello Beepaw." Amberfish spotted him with a purr. "Have you come to see Cherrypaw?"

Beepaw nodded, unable to speak with the bundle of feathers in his mouth.
"I wanted to share this with her."

Wasppaw nodded, then turned to face Amberfish. "I think we're running low on mallow leaves. Bumblenose's bellyache really killed our stash." She added. "I trust you know where it is?" Amberfish mewed. Wasppaw nodded then turned, trotting into the opening of the camp.

"Oh, I was starving!" Cherrypaw purred as Beepaw pressed closer to her, dropping the finch.
"You can have it all if you need it." Cherrypaw twitched her whiskers then leaned down to pluck off the feathers. Before she touched the bird, Beepaw pulled it away with a claw. "If you need it." He repeated. Cherrypaw snorted then batted him over the ears playfully.

"Alright come eat you stinky badger." She mewed, Beepaw let out a huff then plucked off the feathers, once he finished, the two gulped down their meal.
"Anyways, I should go, I have battle training in the morning." Beepaw mewed, giving his sister a lick between her ears.
Cherrypaw nodded. "Good night, Beepaw." She called after him as he left the medics den and headed for his nest in the apprentices den.

Curling up, Beepaw closed his eyes, Scorchpaw and his littermates had already settled inside, their pelts close enough to touch.  He let the soft snores of his friends lull him to sleep, and soon darkness covered him.

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