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"Hunting is the most crucial task a warrior can perform."  Bumblenose mewed, sitting before Beepaw with her tail curled neatly around her paws.
"And lucky for you, newleaf will send prey straight into your paws!"

Beepaw twitched his ears, listening closely, he kinda hoped Cherrypaw would be with him today. But I guess Nightfur had other plans. He sighed softly as Bumblenose dipped into a crouch.
"It's best to keep your tail low, but don't let it touch the grass, you give it a shot." She told him, and Beepaw nodded, pulling himself into the best crouch he could do, he let his tail sink down and stopped it just before it hit the grass.

He was relieved when Bumblenose let out a delighted purr. "Excellent," she padded up to him and made a few adjustments to his form, "You'll be a good hunter, I can tell." She praised him as he sat up.

"I want you to catch something." Bumblenose mewed. Beepaw cocked his head to one side. "But I don't know the scents?" He stared at her, but her eyes only showed appreciation.
"I just want to see what you know already. We could start by the twoleg place, then work our way over here." She suggested. Beepaw nodded.

With a purr, Bumblenose led him towards LowClan's Dip, where the small twoleg dens clustered around each other. "If you catch more that you can hold, grab them by the skinniest part or tuck them under your chin." Bumblenose mewed, leaping into a bush of violet berries. Beepaw was left alone in the sounds of the lively twolegplace. He strained his ears to hear, tiny paws caught his attention.

He dropped into a crouch, making sure it was perfect before pursuing the skittering sound. Beepaw wasn't sure what it was, but he was determined to find out.
He followed his ears to the sound, his ears began to hurt from straining them so hard.

He pushed past the fronds as silently as he could, a mouse picked at a lump of bugs under a dead log. It tore apart a beetle and feasted. Excitement bubbled in Beepaw's paws, but he forced himself to stay still. The mouse continued to eat, unaware of Beepaw's presence.

Beepaw tucked his legs beneath him, his haunches wiggled with the effort. He pushed onto the ground as hard as he could, he propelled himself forward and onto the mouse, who squealed in surprise.
Beepaw hooked the mouse in his claws and tossed it in the air, it landed with a thud, stunned.

Beepaw killed it quickly and couldn't hold in a purr. I caught something! He glanced around. Did Bumblenose see? Beepaw didn't see her around, nor did he scent her.
He lifted the mouse by its tail and continued on, away from LowClan's Dip. More scurrying caught his eye and he spotted a squirrel climbing down from a tree. Beepaw looked for a place to set his mouse, when he couldn't find anywhere, he scraped a quick hole in the ground and dropped the mouse.
He covered the hole and dropped. The squirrel looked like it didn't even know what it was doing. It ran in circles, as if taunting. Beepaw kicked forward again and landed just short of the squirrel.

It froze, then as fast as wind, darted up the tree. Beepaw tried to chase after it, but unfortunately, his claws twisted as he tried to launch himself up after it.
Mouse-dung! He spat, dragging his tongue over his aching paw.

He opened the hole and pulled the mouse. He tried to head further, but the pain flaring up his leg made him slow. He winced every time he set his paw down, making his journey back to camp unbearable.

The sun had begun to sink by the time Beepaw made it back, Bumblenose was waiting for him just outside the camp.
"You caught something!" She purred. "And with such little training." She sounded as if she was going to say more, but she noticed his limp and gasped.

"Great StarClan, are you alright?" Bumblenose pushed Beepaw into the camp and straight for Amberfish's den.
In the short moment he had seen the camp, he saw that Cherrypaw wasn't back yet.

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