cobra kai

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When I start watching Netflix one of the favourite shows I liked was cobra Kai no because it was a mount martial arts but I was about how marsh war should be a form of meditation and mindfulness. That mindfulness is just as simplest taking that deep breath and we're walking away and distracting one sell through martial arts or whatever you do that is fun. It doesn't have to be so theoretical like DBT or CBT. In fact it's just a deep breath may be a few crystals here and there and a little bit of happiness and kindness once a day will help you out. I found that with cobra Kai especially talks about how anger is either good or bad depending on how you choose to use it but then again I can say the same thing about the Insane Clown Posse which my mother hated with a passion was insane clown posse and she didn't understand it until I said well the lyrics do sound a little off caller what they're saying is that make a productive life make me a good person to be yourself/ be who you are in the first place and use your anger to create instead of hate.
This is the same thing with cobra car except it's a TV show and there's no clowns involved. There are mark two waring dojos cobra car and Miyagio Miya o do you teach us more about mindfulness and trying to shape your future and stuff which I found very interesting and I wanted to get a bonsai tree just for the sake of mindfulness. And then there's cobra Kai which is just a pain in the butt where they teach anger and bullying. I know I sound like a child they're saying bullying but that's what they were still are in the show because the show is still continuing I always watch that show religiously because I enjoy it and it's fun to watch. My favourite is Hawk when he turned from negative anger to using it into a positive and helping them Yanni dolls. He was very good and he was a Barnery brother of Dimitri I don't know what his last name was but anyway it was very good show Steelers and I'll be waiting on September to watch it. This is the only thing that I watch on Netflix other than a few social issue shows I don't really want very much TV except for Netflix or Tubi or YouTube and that is just to entertain myself other than that I read like a fiend. I know I should be doing my DBT stuff for my PTSD but the DVD is just a way of saying I am complicated whereas if you go and learn about mindfulness as it supposed to be which is taking a deep breath taking some time alone instead of the lot easier on you than having to learn the SDS acronym on that acronym so I watch Netflix for that instead like a cobra Kai instead and I am very glad hey Siri of mindfulness has been brought to my attention with this amusing TV show that has been created by the karate kid franchise I'm very proud of that show and I am proud to say it's my favourite show. It's very important to have this kind of show on TV shows it's important to be polite nice and mindful and that you have to be mindful of what you do with your anger and how to handle it. There's one guy in cobra Kai on online John Kreese who I call Casey twirl and we've all heard tasty total weight for a PTSD poser someone pretending to have PTSD I don't know how anyone can do that but it's very easy it's just hang out I had a flashback or there's any other thing I need to actually have the actual flashback and acting like a more or less an animal and using those for ladders as an excuse. Some thing I cannot stand in fact I am actually thinking if I ever go on some serious serious money I'm climbing Mount Everest and this is not a joke to say that people were PTSD are not the devil or the flu we are just people that have bigger emotions and bigger nightmares and bigger anger sometimes that's it. And we're only human and I am gone that's one thing I've been telling my mother I'm gonna climb mount Everest for PTSD awareness and acceptance we've already heard about autism awareness and acceptance but no one really likes PTSD for some odd reason because of the Simpsons stuff the Simpsons have really stigmatized people with mental illness like PTSD and it drives me nuts. To the point where I'd like to get the guy who created the show and say hey listen you can't stigmatize people over a certain disease or Mental illness you can't make fun of them because of that they're not all serial killers or strangler some of us are human beings are kind of just take a bathroom break kind of thing you know we're trying to deliver lines. So I never really liked the Simpsons amor a family guy saying they're not as stereotyping I find the more hilarious in the Simpsons it will say wow girl with pink hair has listens to punk rock well GuessWhat I listen to old country rap techno punk gothic  and industrial.  
Give me I think a lot of people like me you have been routed out of school I've rived out of school because of The Simpsons shows like the Simpsons and other horrible things and then end up on the streets and stuff that's what I think and then they end up with the cultures that are not too savoury like a drug addiction violence in criminal activity one really the person with a man a little message just trying to live a life in the school and they get expelled because they have a mental wellness it's really ridiculous and it's because of the Simpsons I it called Simpson shit.   And if you like this show me Susan this is not the book for you because I'm not gonna have this racism and able ism going on where you have to go around being perfect all the time or you're gonna be stigmatized and made fun of. People get home most all the time and they get homeless because they don't get along with their families that's one the other is because there's family drug addiction or alcoholism the other is that they might have a mental illness as well and have no choice but to drop out of school and life in general and go on the streets that's what it is basically what it is. You don't have to make a parity out of it in fact if you do you may as well just route ram yourself right down to the Hades. In other words hell.
That's why I learn my first course I wanna learn if there are also two people that have been stigmatize and have to go in the streets because of their orientation and other stuff that is really again because of the Simpson's I find in popular culture.   Popular or calm and does not mean it has the exactly moral.
When does Kohl's real well drugs or alcohol or sex or treating more everything it's not right here and I'll get to that was my first boyfriend I had and he was a pain in my butt.
I remember my mother saying that I should fit in with the other girls and I said star themselves and go blonde I don't think so be straight and her her her and just being the cookie cutter person no I wanna be who I am,sooooo....... One day I told my mother to go fuck her self for telling me to fit in I wasn't gonna go to parties I was gonna have sex I wasn't gonna be like you other girls will starve them selves or go away go blonde early like everyone else know I was gonna be who Iam and live until 115.

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