strawberry truth

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Since my first bout of Covid my first dose of Covid not the COVID-19 vaccine I'm not anti-VAX I've had all my shots but I am also a naturalist where you end up getting the natural disease in your body learns to fight off that way as well as the vaccines. But it cost me my singing voice for quite some time. At the time I decide what I'm going to try to wrap and see what happens so I ended up going as Sufi Spraggah bintMustafa as my stage name and I ended up getting approved on Amuse on the app Amuse. When I found that out I was shocked and now I'm on Spotify. As a rapper. But I always wanted to join a band a rock band whatever band there was. But the real deal was that I was starting to collaborate or start a former band with a guy name Christopher Christopher Helping me hold my rapping skills not that they need to be home anymore they were sharpening like a stalp bowl. And just as brutal as a scalpel sometimes if you piss me off. But anyway I said what I said in my wrapping and then I'd let him So his peace and then I'd say my piece and then he say like a rap battle. Soon is starting to become a narcissist rap battle but also a hip-hop and it just needs a name since we always spoke the truth and our rap battles or collaborations we always told the truth. I believed that the name should be strawberry truth or strawberry truth I don't know why strawberry 'cause they're cute and a lot of people listening anything that has the word strawberry in it in truth because well that's the premise of our music is the truth integrity bravery infidelity kind of thing that's what we're trying to get that. And kind of be what to be human and how to be human stuff and that kind of thing that was just that.. I went on route note and dropped a couple of albums do you know if they ended up on Spotify too. If you ever want to hear about our music well this is what our music is about the truth telling the truth speaking about justice injustices and trying to talk about being human and trying to be doing the right thing.
There is no talk about violence or anything like that like a normal app this is kind of a positive rap we're trying to be positive role models there is some swearing in the language but that's beside the point I can't really fucking help my mouth at this point I have made so many New Year's resolutions that I'm gonna stop swearing I'm gonna stop swearing and the next thing you know something goofy happens and I start swearing again so I just gave up and continue to swear. Sometimes I swear in my pieces of the rap songs if it's warranted just like in my own Sufi Spragga bint Mustafa kind of thing needs to if it needs the F word I said the F word.  Or the most extreme cases the MF word. But that's as far as I go I don't want to start using really bad language do I gotta see you next Tuesday word or anything I just try to go about my life when I rap rap about what I went through and rap about what I believe in and what I think should happen. That's when I got my first taste. But I was the first taste on Spotify I remember getting a tongue drum Which I still have an use and I use it sometimes to call myself down or something or relieve a headache I don't believe in PRN instead I believe and trying to find a way to deal with the pain without pissing me off your body so I did some this is what got me in the music was your idea of A steel ton drum a steel tongue drum is a dome light thing right the hand pan. But instead it's smaller and you just whack it with mallards it's very interesting sounding is from Asia. And I enjoy it and I started recording it just for the fun of it went on easy just through and ended up finding out that I was on Spotify the next day with my tongue drum and only my tongue drum instrumentals. I didn't believe that I was going around I was just testing the waters and then I will start rapping I didn't start rapping yet I started with guitar ukulele and then actual rap than when I couldn't sing for a while.
When I was going through Covid it was a pain in my ass the next chapter will be about that.

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