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One thing I've learned with this COVID-19 is a little bit of patience can go along way sometimes I'm still impatient and one things right away you gonna ask many people around me sometimes I am zen and I'll be completely nice as 90% of the time 10 Percent of the time I can be a real pain in the butt still want it comes to patients but it's a work in progress. Why do I have to be patient during the pandemic because I needed I wanted to get tattoos and I wanted to shop still get open again and I wanted a lot of other things and I had to order from Rocky,  So that was boring patience is ordering things to snail mail is not just penpals but also waiting until the tattoo shops are open for you to go around to get your tattoos  and it was well worth my wait.   I believe that a little bit of patience is important but you cannot be too patient or zone. But I believe that is important to be patient in some cases why he can't be controlling control freak he or weird about things.
Three almost 3 years of stupid stupid that's a soccer ball Zazai college and I even and it up with the stupid batch of soccer balls.  Yes I am at that was cove in 19 one time and had to stay downstairs I practice my steel tongue drum and weighed the 10 days out of the minimum of 10 days and even did my ukulele that ukulele is a little hard on me but the steel tongue girl was gonna couldn't do the guitar because I involved singing and my singing voice is still on the Fritz. But I am good with a rapping voice in other words I was able to rap and I am now a rapper because of that and three years almost 3 years I dreamt of getting my first tattoo and when I got the first tattoo was like plunging into a swimming pool like as if you're a little kid it was fun it was exciting refreshing. That's what happens when you wait your turn and wait why do you were supposed to be waiting. That's what I find.
There are sometimes during the pandemic I was not too happy especially the part of me getting the soccer balls and admitted it does look like a pair of freaking soccer balls a bunch of freaking soccer balls that's why it is that's what they are a bunch of idiot soccer balls that you look like soccer balls and act like soccer balls and they didn't in the wave your breathing and stuff is very awful. Good cold drink was the only option I had to get rid of a cough when I had the Covid. And I always took a cold drink and I always drank particularly lemonade lemons orange orange juice and yoghurt those are always good for your immune system. And the fact that I hat a  childhood of eating nothing but garlic, (man I love that stuff) How to help me survive I don't credit the vaccines even though they helped a little bit but they only help a little bit that's all they do and they they keep coming up with new strangers of stupid soccer ball and the new friggin vaccines and it's getting annoying so I just suck on a lemon that's what I did in front of TikTok one day the day when I was diagnosed with Covid I saw Donna Ramen for three minutes enjoying every minute of it the lemon was good but the Covid was a pain in my throat particularly I was ready for a neck tattoo full neck tattoo by the time it was over with because my throat was so scratchy and I got a scratch my side of my neck and it still doesn't hurt. I've never really had any problems with having to go to the hospital or anything why because I'm a tough cookie and I eat properly particularly I'm a tough cookie. I'm horny my people have been exposed to these little I'm sorry to say this bastard's for centuries and centuries and now at my genetics has saved me again the only time on it hasn't saved me was with the stupid razor Kinda do a pixie cut. That's about the size of that.
I was very good spirit even though I was annoyed what's the soccer balls. And pretty soon I was able to get back on my feet really quickly. There is another time I healed quite quickly I will my ankle it took a week for it to heal instead of mines do usual months for someone else took a week for me but that's because I knew what what pain wise the bells and I said no I'm going to use the Walkingstick for the mailbox and I use a Walkingstick for the mailbox and after 24 hours no Walkingstick. That is the weirdness of my body and we are now showing all. And I was being very patient about my ankle I was like trying to toy turn it away and turn it around trying to get back to gather again like I used to do with Paul Masson and it worked with and patience. Patients can be a painful thing but when you have a high pain tolerance yourself you can take it sometimes when you don't see it coming you better pack her up that's all I can say is that when you have a side pain having patience is something you have to see, or you're in a world of hurt Pokora that's all I can say about that is pucker up that's the same with pain Covid or patients if you can see it coming your way you can actually thought away and destroy it but if you don't see it coming and you act like a baby Lala then you end up in a world of hurt and that's basically the truth at all. I do not act like a baby Lala when I had my tattoo( s) did not after four when I had Covid and didn't act fool during the pandemic after the COVID-19 problem with me Asia the pandemic was over for me and I was done I still wear the masks just to be considerate and kind and compassionate to other people and that's why it is because you never know I could have it again but I'm just saying that I have an expression.
I don't want to believe in spreading disease and I am also thinking about riding to the Prime Minister to close the airports except for freight and packages because of the Covid I find there's a lot of ignorant people that are travelling around without masks or otherwise and it just drives me stark raving mad at some people don't wear their masks in crowded spaces makes you want to pull out my natural hair out. It's like where are the damn thing or go home I'll be in a little area and don't wear it and you can be fine one of the to go home and not be in a crowd spot or not wear it in the world area that's all I don't see I don't see it as going into a public Spartans crowded and not wearing a freaking mask. That's enough for me to get my mouse one in full speed and I'm not even get started because it'll be just F this an F that. 

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