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Third Person Pov 

To most people love is a gun that you have to be careful when you hold it. You may accidentally pull the trigger and no matter which direction you aim the gun you'll end up hitting yourself. You won't bleed but you'll become infected with a virus far worse than any other virus out in the world. 

Before you even feel the first symptom it will already be to late. You'll find yourself being sick with no cure besides one person who is the cure but at the same time the pain. What's so bad about it as that this person is most of the time completely oblivious. They have no idea the power they have. 

The power to make you weak in the knees, have your heart racing and completely invade your thoughts. That's what camrin was to set and trust me the sickness was growing worse and worse as the days went by. Set tried to stay away from camrin trying to make the sickness go away but he couldn't. 

he always found himself suffering whenever he was away from the other male for to long. What made it worse was that camrin was his best friend they were very close and set didn't want to mess anything up. Who knew love could be so dangerous?  

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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