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Third Person Pov 

"Do you know why he's been acting distant? Did i do something?" Camrin asks doug who was doing something on his phone. "You didn't do anything he's just going through some stuff" Doug says and camrin looks down sadly. "Funny whenever he was going through things he would come to me" Camrin says. 

"Maybe he doesn't want you to get involved due to your new relationship" Doug says. "Forget that if my friend is going through something he can talk to me about it" Camrin says grabbing his phone to text set. 'I swear i might as well become these two therapist' Doug thinks to himself. 

Set looked at the message and groaned. "Dude i can't do this anymore" Set says while responding to the text. "I already gave you some advice" Kevin says. "Come on kay you went through something similar you know how hard this is" Set says. "Don't bring that up" Kevin says. 

"Why not? It's not like i know who the person is" Set says before looking back down at his phone. The messages alone let him know camrin was upset but he couldn't help how distant he had been. His feelings were really getting in the way of things and he hated it he wanted things to go to normal. 

"It doesn't matter if you know the person you promised you wouldn't bring it up again" Kevin says. "Alright bro but i gotta go" Set says. After exchanging goodbyes set went home and saw camrin's car parked outside. Set got out the car and walked to the front door seeing camrin standing there. 

"Sup" Set says and camrin frowns. "Don't 'sup' me why you been acting distant" Camrin says. "I just got a lot of stuff going on" Set says. "Really? Cause i remember whenever you were going through something you'd talk to me about it" Camrin says. Set did feel bad for distancing himself. 

 He felt bad but what else was he supposed to do? Tell camrin that he had feelings for him and was being distant due to his new relationship he couldn't do that and he couldn't lose his best friend so it was better that he stayed distant. "I just didn't want to bother you with my issues" Set says. 

"Your always here for me but you got your own stuff going on so i didn't want to put all this on you" Set says. "You know you can always talk to me no matter what sure i got some stuff going on but i won't ever be to busy for you" Camrin says before hugging his friend. Set quickly returned it. 

This is what he means when he says camrin is the pain but the cure at the same time. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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