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For those of you wondering yes black balls was deleted the book was awful and kind of stupid when you think about it i was gonna edit it then put it back up but trust me there is no saving that hot mess i called a book 

Third Person Pov 

Set tried and tried but he couldn't seem to get camrin off his mind. This was one of the cons of the love disease one person was on your mind all the time and no matter how hard you tried you couldn't stop thinking about them. Set found himself laughing as he thought about some things his friend had said. 

'If two goose are geese can't two moose be meese?' Camrin asks and set started smiling as he thought about it. The smile quickly left set's face once he felt his heart start to race yet again he hated when that happened. This was the reason he sometimes chose to keep his distance. 

No matter how bad it hurt he wanted nothing more than to show the feelings who was boss and try to get a permanent cure from the love disease. It sucked even more that he feels like there's nobody he can go to about this particular issue.  A parr of him wanted to talk to kevin about the problem. 

He remember kevin went through something similar although he refused to say who he had caught feelings for. Set then decided to just go and see camrin even though his plan was to stay away. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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