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Third Person Pov 

"set wake up" Camrin says while shaking his friend gently and set groans. "Five more minutes" Set says and camin laughs. "No get on up i'm bored" Camrin says. "Watch tv or something" Set says and camrin sighs. "I thought we were friends" Camrin says and frowns. "I thought you cared about my beauty sleep" Set says. 

"I would care if it was actually working" Camrin says with a laugh. "How original" Set says before sitting up. "Well since you've managed to interrupt my rest what we doing now?" Set asks. "Well first let's get food i'm starving and second watch spongebob then third-" Camrin says before set cuts him off. 

"Wow you had enough time to make a whole agenda" Set says. "oh shut up i had to do something while you were asleep" Camrin says. "Aww love spending time with me that much" Set says. "Well duh you are my best friend" Camrin says before wrapping his arms around set tightly. 

Set found himself smiling all big and getting a warm feeling. He found himself getting lost in the moment taking in his friends scent and enjoying how close they were. This was a part of why love was so dangerous it can make little moments like this turn into something completely different. 

Camrin pulled away before skipping to the kitchen ready to find himself something to eat he wasn't joking before when he said he was hungry. "Aye get out my kitchen" Set says before getting up and going after him. "Naw i'm starving i need to eat" Camrin says and set playfully rolls his eyes. 

Short i know but had to give something btw drama coming i actually have a plan for this 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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