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Third Person Pov 

"Uh huh so how long have you had this crush?" Doug asks and set sighs. "For quite some time now and it's growing more and more every day and it sucks because it's someone that i'm really close to" Set say. "I say tell them you'll feel better once it's off your chest" Doug says making set scoff. 

"Yeah tell them and ruin our friendship and even if we stay friends it'll just make things weird" Set says before running his hands down his face. "Look it's better to have love and lost then to have never loved at all" Doug says. "Don't give me that cliche" Set says making doug roll his eyes. 

"What do you want me to say?" Doug asks. "I want you to help me make these feelings go away" Set says. "You can't just erase feelings that's not how it works and you can't avoid them cause it'll hurt to much according to you" Doug says and set plops down on the bed dramatically with a sigh. 

"Why is this so hard!?!" Set yells/ask. "Love isn't easy you didn't really think it was going to be like the movies did you?" Doug asks and set glares at him. "Alright! alright! Seriously the only good solution would be to get your feelings out i mean that's all i can think of" Doug says honestly. 

"Ion even know why i came to you" set says making doug roll his eyes. "Don't be mad cause i'm not telling you what you wanna hear" Doug says making set roll his eyes. He felt like he was trapped in a weird love spell with no way of getting out of it he hasn't ever experienced feelings like this. 

He could already tell the feelings were dangerous but it kinda made him feel safe at the same time. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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