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Third Person Pov 

"I can do this just go up to the door. knock, wait for him to answer then say how you feel" Set says but as soon as he walks up to the door the nervousness kicks in. "I can't do it" Set says before grabbing his phone. "Let me call" Set says before he quickly clicked on kevin's contact while tapping his foot.

After a few rings he answer and sounded mad happy. "What's up?" Kevin asks. "I'm starting to second guess this whole thing ion think i can do it" Set says honestly. "Look the worst he can say is no and if he does that's his loss you'll feel better once it's off your chest" kevin says and set nods. 

After getting off the phone with kevin he went and knocked on camrin's door. He waited for a little bit before the door opened and he was met with camrin. "Hi" Set says and camrin awkwardly smiles. "Hey" Camrin says back with the same energy the whole thing feeling awkward. 

"Can i come in? We need to talk" Set says and camrin nods. "Sure" Camrin says before letting his friend in. "Look i'm sorry for rushing out before it's just you had just gotten out of a break up and i didn't want things to be awkward which i guess happened anyways" Set says and camrin smiles. 

"It's ok and i understand i was the one who was pushing it" Camrin says. "Wait that's not all" Set says trying to prepare himself for what camrin may say. He knows there's a big chance camrin won't like him back but this needs to be done. "I have feelings for you and have for a minute now" Set starts. 

"I can't put a finger on when it started but all i know is i feel hard and cupid didn't use a arrow he used a gun and i'v sure been feeling all the effects. When i acted distance it was because of your relationship it hurt me seeing you with someone else" Set says speaking honestly wanting to get everything off his chest. 

"I want you to know that even if you don't feel the same way ion want anything to change i want us to continue being friends we still gonna be settyblu regardless sure i'd be a little hurt but i'd get over it. The only way you can hurt me in this moment is by not being honest" Set says and camrin has a straight face. 

The room grew silent and set was growing extremely nervous before his friend grabbed his shirt and kissed him passionately before pulling away and kissing all over his face. "Since we're confessing and you want me to be honest i've had feelings to but i kept pretending i didn't" Camrin starts. 

"I didn't want my feelings to get in the way of our friendship but now im over the moon to know you liked me in that same way" Camrin says before he was being picked up by his friend and kissed all over. Set was happy beyond words i guess he was wrong love wasn't dangerous after all. 

Only one more chapter 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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