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Third Person Pov 

Set smiled down at his friend who was sleeping on his shoulder. He was so beautiful when he slept and set found his heart getting a warm feeling as camrin let out little snores here and there he thought his best friend was perfect. Set moved gently and laid his friends head down on the pillow. 

He found himself gently caressing his friends cheek gently with a smile. He quickly pulled away and groaned annoyed with himself for doing this. Camrin was in a relationship and he knew he couldn't have him so he doesn't know why he still thinks the way he does and do the things that he does. 

The things that would make his heart break into millions of pieces. 'What if doug's right? What if i spend months trying to get over this?' Set asks himself before looking over at his sleeping friend with a sad smile making it's way on to his face. The pain was horrible but in a way it was really worth it. 

He got to always be around his favorite person and even though camrin didn't love him in that way he still loved him. "Set?" Camrin says with his eyes fluttering open. "Yeah?" Set asks snapped out of his thoughts. "Come back you were warm" Camrin says making set let out a chuckle. 

Set went back over to the couch and his friend laid on him making his breath hitch and his heart start to feel warm. Camrin's phone was ringing and set already knew who it was so he declined. Nothing was going to ruin this moment it was peaceful something he hadn't felt in a little while. 

Set wrapped his arm around his friend and the smile on his face continued to grow. It was a peaceful moment at last something he hadn't had in a long time and it was with his favorite person in the entire world. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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