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Third Person Pov 

Set smiled into the kiss and used one hand to grab camrin's waist and the other to cup his cheek he was truly on cloud nine. All those feelings he had been keeping bottled up and all the symptoms of the love disease he was being cured in this moment. Camrin at first was shocked but kissed back. 

Then set began to think about how camrin was with someone and he knew that after this their friendship would be ruined. He pulled away and looked into camrin's eyes that were as darker than the night. "Where you going?" Camrin asks before grabbing set's shirt and pulling him close. 

Set's eyes widened in shock once camrin began to kiss him roughly. Set felt his heart race and without a second thought kissed his friend back matching his energy. Camrin then fell back on the couch and due to his grip on set's shirt he fell with him. Set was sure nothing could feel better than this. 

Set pulled away and smiled down at his friend. He couldn't help but smile he had just kissed the person he was secretly in love with. "I should go: Camrin says and set sighs before getting off of him. "Yeah i guess you should" Set says feeling upset as he watched camrin gather his things before leaving. 

Short i know but next one will be longer i wanted to update and rushed 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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