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Third Person Pov 

Usually when set hung out with camrin he felt happy but that wasn't the case today since all he was think about was the reason camrin was so happy and that reason being the person he was with. Set tried to put on a happy face for his friend cause he did want to see him happy but this was hard. 

Set had sort of been in his own world the whole time and camrin noticed. "You ok?" Camrin asks and set forces a smile. "Yeah i'm fine" set says and camrin raises an eyebrow. Camrin could tell something wasn't right with set. "You sure cause your acting strange" Camrin says and set nods in response. 

"Yeah i'm good honestly" Set says feeling his heart shatter the more that he told that lie. He wasn't ok and hated that he wasn't he wishes he could at least fake it. The rest of the time they spent together set was very closed off and stayed in his own mind while trying to ignore his broken heart. 

"I gotta go" set says not being able to take this anymore he needed to go home and clear his head. "Oh ok" Camrin says clearly upset with his friends behavior but choosing not to speak on it. Set knows he could have handled things better this was undeniably hard for him and he couldn't fix it. 

As he left he looked back at camrin's house before driving off and not looking back and trying not to think bout his feelings. He knew he needed  to get everything off his chest so he went to doug. "It's so hard for me i swear i haven't ever felt this way before" Set says and doug pats his shoulder. 

"it's ok to feel this way and i know it's hard right now but you'll get over it soon" Doug says and set shales his head. "How soon will that be cause i'm sick of feeling like this" Set says. "I mean i can't say sometimes it'll take days, weeks even months" Doug says and set groans in annoyance. 

"No!" set says and doug rolls his eyes. "Stop being dramatic" Doug says and set straight faces him. "I'm not being dramatic i just wanna be over this" Set says and doug wraps his arms around him in an attempt to comfort him. 'It has to get better sooner than that it has to' set thinks to himself. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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