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Third Person Pov 

"Wait-stop" Set says trying to pull away but camrin grabbed his shirt. "Where you going?" Camrin asks before kissing his face. Set found his gut getting warm but he knew they needed to stop before things went to far. "We have to stop" Set says before camrin wraps his legs around his waist. 

"Says who?" Camrin asks before kissing on set's neck. "Says me. It's to soon you just got out of a breakup and not to mention how awkward things were last time" Set says and camrin lets out a sigh before biting his friends neck earning a groan. Set quickly got up earning a smirk from his friend. 

"Don't worry bout that you want this i want this so why stop" Camrin says. "Look i know you just got of a break up and your confused and last time may i remind you how you completely avoided me and things were mad awkward" Set says. "Alright then" Camrin says and set lets out a sigh. 

"Don't be like that" Set says reaching out for his friend but he was quickly pushed away. "I think you should go" Camrin says and set nods. Set just left choosing not to argue and went straight home and he called kevin. "You need to confess your feelings like doug told you" Kevin says and set frowns. 

"I couldn't do that cause he was crying bout the break up then ended up kicking me out" Set says before touching the mark camrin left on his neck. "Ya know what? Meet me at doug's house" Kevin says. "Why?" Set asks. "Just do it" Kevin says and then later on they arrived at his place. 

"What exactly are we doing here? Does he even know we here?" Set asks. "I'm here to show you how easy it i to just let your feelings out" Kevin says. "I knew you had feelings for doug" Set says with a laugh and kevin groans in annoyance. "Look that's not important the fact is i'm doing this to help you" kevin says. 

Kevin knocked on the door nervously and waited a few minutes for doug to answer. He knew doug was here due to his car being in the driveway. A few moments later doug opened it with a smile. "What's up you guys?" Doug asks. "kevin has something he needs to say" Set says and kevin glares at him. 

"Alright what's up kay kay" Doug says and kevin felt the nervousness kick in. "Well i...like you and not in the friend way and have for quite some time now i just didn't known how to tell you" kevin says before looking back at set. "See?" Kevin asks. "Alright i get it i'm going to tell him" Set says. 

"Finally" kevin says. "Thanks for this" Set says before leaving. "Come on in kay kay we need to talk" Doug says basically dragging kevin inside. 

alright two more chapters left and next chapter setty will confess 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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