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Third Person Pov 

"So doug i..' Kevin starts before he started to feel mad nervous. "You...?" Doug asks and then set barged in making kevin sigh in relief. "Guys im in the middle of a crisis" Set says. "What happened?" Doug asks. "It's camrin again i feel like nothing is making any type of sense at this point" Set says. 

"Well did you take the advice i keep giving you and just tell camrin how you feel?" Doug asks. "I..um did you know that-" Set starts. "I'll take that as a no and just so you know the more you avoid this the worse it's going to get" Doug says. "I know but this ain't easy! You don't get it" Set says. 

"Look i understand you like this person and your forced to keep all your feelings hidden in order to protect your friendship. You feel like instead on arrow cupid hit you with a bullet and since then you've had symptoms of the love disease and it's tough but hiding the feelings make it worse" Kevin says. 

"That's exactly how i feel and i want to tell him but he's in a relationship and i feel like things just got back to normal between us so why mess it up" Set says. "Look you two are made close i'm sure he wouldn't end the friendship over this" kevin says. 'Yeah i guess your right i'll do it" Set says. 

"Finally!" Doug yells with an irritated expression. "Set i think it's best you go ahead and talk to him" kevin says. Set nods before walking back to the door and taking a deep breath and he left trying to gather up all of his confidence. Doug then turned back to kevin who was looking at the door. 

"So what did you have to tell me?" Doug asks. "That i knew set was coming" Kevin quickly lied making doug raise an eyebrow but he shrugged it off not questioning any further. Set went over to camrins house and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Camrin opened it and he looked sad. 

Camrin had tear stains on his face, bags under his eyes and was wearing a sweatshirt with an ice cream stain on it. "We broke up" Camrin says and set quickly pulled his best friend into a hug. 'I guess this is a sign from the universe now isn't the right time' Set thinks to himself before taking camrin inside. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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