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Third Person Pov 

"This whole thing is so hard" Set says with his head resting against his hand and doug lets out a sigh. "Set i already gave you advice ion know what else you want" Doug says. "I know but it's not that easy love was a gun and it shot me straight through the heart and do you know what it's like?" Set asks. 

"What it's like to really like someone that you can't be with" Set says and kevin chokes on the pizza he was eating making set smirk. "Do you kay?" Set asks and kevin glares at him before taking a sip of his drink and clearing his throat. "No i have no idea what that's like" Kevin says glaring at set. 

"Well set it's going to take time like i said who knows how long it will take it's like building something it could take days, weeks, months" Doug says. "I told you ion have that type of time maybe i could try dating somebody" Set says. "Naw that would make it way worse trust me" Doug says. 

"What do you mean?" Set asks. "This always happens a person tries to move on before their ready which does nothing but cause problems" Doug says. "Well what am i supposed to do? Take your advice and wait years to finally move on and have my friendship go back to normal?" Set asks. 

"It's really the only solution and if you wanna move on i suggest you listen" Doug says. "Set love is a dangerous game so please listen to doug" Kevin says. "A dangerous game that i have already lost" Set says grabbing his phone and going to his contacts looking down at camrin's with a sad expression. 

He hated himself for being distant towards his friend knowing camrin was probably confused but he couldn't be to close or stay to long cause it'll just hurt him. 'Setty blu forever' Camrin's words repeat in set's mid making him put his head in his hands and groan loudly in sadness and annoyance. 

Later that day set went home and ended up calling camrin. It's funny how camrin is the pain but is the cure at the same time as much as it hurt set knowing he couldn't have camrin it also lifted his spirits talking with the other male who hadn't ever failed to put a smile on his face. "Pizza places low key have the worst desserts" Camrin says. 

Set laughs and shakes his head as his friend propped up the phone. "Then why do you keep ordering their desserts? " Set asks. "Cause i be hoping it'll be better than the last time" Camrin says. 'I swear he one of a kind' Set thinks to himself with his heart getting a warm feeling. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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