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~3 days later~

Third Person Pov 

"I knew this would happen! We haven't talked in days and i'm struggling" Set says with a sad expression as he looked at his phone. Ever since the kiss the two hadn't spoke set had treated calling him and messaging him but both went ignored. "Did you guys actually talk?" Doug asks and set frowns. 

"Naw how can we when he refuses to talk to me. This sucks out of all the people i could have caught feelings for why him now I've ruined my friendship if only that stupid love gun had found a different target" Set says. "I understand what your going through and it hurts now but it'll get better" Kevin says. 

"You feel like this person is your universe and you really love them but at the same time you don't wanna lose them you act on your feelings and this person is avoiding you. You can't stop though keep trying in fact you should go over to his house" Kevin says and doug looks at him with a shocked expression. 

"Since when are you such an expert on this whole love thing?" Doug asks and kevin shrugs. "Ion know" Kevin says making set give him a look knowing the real reason. "I guess your right" Set says and later that day drove over to camrin's house feeling extremely nervous not knowing what to expect. 

Set walked over to the door and hesitantly knocked and played with his fingers as he waited for his best friend to open the door. After a few seconds camrin opened the door and his face changed when he saw set on the other side. "What you want setty?" Camrin asks and set let out a sigh. 

"I just wanna talk to you. You been ignoring my calls and ion like that" Set says and camrin sighed. "I'm sorry it's just-" Camrin starts before set cuts him off. "No i'm sorry i messed up i shouldn't have done what i did and i promise it won't happen again" Set says and camrin smiles. 

"Settyblu" Camrin says putting out his and set smiles. "Settyblu" set says before taking camrin's hand and they did their handshake. Set however felt his skin get a tingly sensation when they made contact he swears it felt like static. "Come on in" Camrin says and set shakes the feeling off before following him inside. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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