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Third Person Pov 

Set laid in his bed feeling completely broken wondering when the feelings started and why did cupid have to hit him so hard. Set was feeling awful because just yesterday camrin had officially gotten into a new relationship. Sets heart was broken but he tried to but on a happy face for his friend. 

"Where did it all go wrong!?!" Set yells/ask before putting his pillow over his head and screaming into it. Set wishes he could say it was puppy love or that it was a phase that would go away but he knew that it wouldn't. He knew that his feelings for camrin were way deeper than they should be. 

He thought about hat doug said and how he should get it off his chest but he couldn't it would ruin their friendship and now it was no point since the other male was now in a relationship and seemed happy. Set felt his heart break more as he thought about the new couple he wanted them to end. 

He knew it was wrong but a part of him wanted for it to be one of those relationships that never went past the honeymoon stage. He wishes he could say they would end and he would have camrin back but that would be a lie considering the fact that he never had camrin even though he wanted to.

Set used to always say that a person who was hung up over a person was stupid and that they should just move on but now that he's experiencing it for himself he realizes that it's not that easy. You can't just flip a switch and turn off how you feel about someone it just doesn't work that way. 

Set threw his pillow across the room and placed one of his hands over his face and the other on his broken heart. "I need to get over this" Set says knowing that it was way easier said than done. All set wanted to do was blast juice wrld music and cry his eyes out pathetic he knows but he can't help it. 

He can't help that he caught feelings and not just for anyone but his best friend his favorite person in the entire world but he just had to hold up the gun referred to as love and shoot it hitting himself right in the heart which infected him with these weird and very unneeded feelings. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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