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Third Person Pov 

"It's so hard having to keep these feelings hidden and he's still in a relationship so it wouldn't matter if i said anything" set says sadly. "Bro just go up to him and tell him how you feel and if he don't feel the same just say it was a prank or something" Kevin says. "Is that what you did?" set asks. 

"Don't know what your talking about" Kevin says. "Oh you know and you still have yet to tell them how you feel even though your around them every day" Set says. "Look this ain't bout me this is about your feelings "Kevin says. "Whatever i just need a distraction" Set says feeling confused. 

The whole thing had been a mess from the jump, first his feelings, camrin's relationship, the kiss, them avoiding each other and now set still feeling confused. There was no way of him properly getting this off his chest so he was stuck to just keep everything to himself and force a smile. 

Later that day he hung out with camrin as usual. Camrin was being his usual self while set stayed silent being stuck in his head. "Did you hear me?" Camrin asks and set only nods in response. Camrin hated how set had been acting distant he was hoping it wasn't about the whole kissing thing. 

He was hoping it wasn't because he didn't want to bring it up. The memory of the kiss was still living in his head rent free and he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it i mean he did pull set in for another kiss. Camrin smiled a little as he looked at his friend who was in deep thought thinking he looked good. 

Camrin's eyes then traveled to his friends lips he wanted to do nothing more than grab his friends shirt and pull him into a passionate kiss just like he did before. He knew he had no business thinking like that considering the fact that he was in a relationship and set was his best friend. 

They both were confused and weren't really sure how to properly communicate about the situation. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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