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"No, it has to be them. They're the only ones that come to mind when you think of these roles. They're perfect for it." Director Song fixated, emphasising on the 'perfect' to show his unwillingness to budge on the matter.

"But sir, She's an idol actress who's never done any roles in Korean films, much less series! Hollywood is so vastly different from our media, she's simply too foreign. That's her whole appeal! On top of that, it takes forever to get an opening in her schedule, there's no guarantee that we can even get her team to approve this project. It clashes with her brand image!" The producer and head of casting desperately countered, unable to comprehend the abnormal perseverance the director showed to this project.

"This ain't like any other project, you two. I made this whole series already envisioning a particular character, and no one can do it better than her. Her branding is luxury, and this a top scale production that is already assured to reign in millions of won. Even the time slots are secured and all her  co stars, including the male lead, are highly coveted actors." He argued back, getting up from his chair to stare at the sets that are already being made.

"But her idol ima-" his producer tried to counter once more, only to be interrupted mid way.

"Her idol actress image only adds to her characters persona. And she's acted in successful projects, she has enough guidance to perform flawlessly here too. She's not the top celebrity of Korea for no reason. She's the only one with enough charm to execute my character perfectly. It has to be her." He stated firmly, narrowing his eyes at the pair as it was established he clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer.

The producer only sighed and stared at the head of casting beside him, who wordlessly pulled out his phone.

"I'll start making the calls then." He uttered, defeatedly as his shoulders dropped and he exited the room.

"You should start making the preparations for the script reading as well. She is not an easy person to track down." Director Song grinned smugly, as his produced only stared before turning around himself, grumbling incoherent curses as he walked out, whilst the director only rejoiced at his accomplishments alone.

His solitude was disrupted quickly enough, while an all too confident someone sauntered his way inside, clearly carrying his experience in the industry with every step.

"Director." Taehyung spoke, his velvety voice being recognisable enough to announce his presence, as the said man turned around with an appreciative smile.

"There's our Jinho." The director, not so subtly, announced the actors participation in his newest piece.

"Filming hasn't even begun and you're already torturing the crew. It seems your intent on living up to your reputation is bright as day." Taehyung teased, showing just how close he was to the man of the hour.

"Have they already started complaining? Kids these days, their damn phones are making them so whiny." He sighed as Taehyung automatically rose an eyebrow to that.

"I don't thi-"

"Yes they're the problem. You'll know if you were in our era. You know back in my day we us-" he started as Taehyung quickly cut in, not particularly wanting to sit through a three hour session about his old days.

"Ah right before I forget...", he started, ignoring the look he got for cutting through.

"What's this about you refusing to switch actresses? And using an idol actress? I could hear poor Daeho rambling about it throughout the halls. Something about her debuting through this as our female lead." Taehyung put out, not even attempting to hide how ludicrous the idea sounded, even for him.

I mean how could someone use such a coveted project as a debut?

This project was already lined up to win awards, despite having not begun filming yet.

It was the legendary Director Sung's top projected, the one he'd been working on for years to perfect, and only, only, featured a star studded guest.

Taehyung didn't even give the director a moment to cut in before he began speaking again.

"I mean yes, an idol would have built a great media image, but we don't even need it. Everyone's constantly buzzing about the legendary drama. And, let's play pretend and say we did need it, then there are several actresses with great image. Why an idol?" Taehyung rambled, still completely against the idea.

The director only shook his head at Taehyung, as he began speaking.

"Taehyung, this isn't her debut. And I'm so particular on her because of the same reason I was so particular on you, and every other actor or actress we've hired. She's the perfect person, and she's the only one who can perfectly capture 'Aria'." He spoke as Taehyung only grew puzzled.

"All that's fine, I guess, but then what was the casting director talking about when he said debut then..." he trailed off, confused himself.

"Well, this isn't her debut as an actress overall. It's just her debut in the Korean market. She only did Hollywood productions before this." Director Sung clarified as Taehyung processed this.

"Hollywood projects? There's only a handful of Korean actors who work in Hollywood, and if you're talking of an idol actress..." he though, the gears turning as the pieces began to click in his head.

He shut the director out, as he felt his heart beat becoming erratic, despite him doing anything far from physical, his breath hitched, as it felt as if he forgot how to simply live.

He could feel the colour draining from his face s his blood ran cold at the very possibility, and all this thoughts became a mess as soon as he heard the confirmation that it was her.

A mess that his life would soon become too.

Just the thought of her being next to him, in the same room, at arms length, having to talk to her, having to breathe in the same room as her.

It already suffocated him.

It was suicide, he knew it.

And the reality had completely weighed down on him as her name floated in the air around them.

The name that would only ensue chaos.

"Jennie Kim"

Chapter 1
Acts of Hate


Acts of Hate | TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now