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"Okaaaaaaaay. So like don't freak out or anything right? It's not like I'm going to be talking about the one past I hid or anything. pft." Jennie sarcastically remarked at herself as Taehyung grabbed her shoulders and sat her down.

"Jen. It's an interview. You've done hundreds of these. Calm down." He said as he pushed a bottle of water in her hands as she turned to glare at him.

"Yeah. I've definitely done hundreds of interviews about.....this." she mused, unable to find a word to describe their entire situation.

"Jennie. we're not revealing everything, we're not even talking about all that. All we're here for is to discuss us. How we started dating. That's all. We just briefly discuss Sera. Her life isn't a press story, like you said. So....breathe." Taehyung mused as he shook her a little, resulting in her letting out a big sigh, settling her nerves to the best of her ability.

"Can we just run away?" Jennie half-joked as she leant forward and rested her head against his torso, due to the height difference they sad while she was sitting and him standing.

"Maybe. Leaning towards a no though." He played along as he hugged her back and ran a finger through her hair, feeling her black hair slip through his fingers as he did so.

They sat in silence for a moment, taking advantage of the comfort that hung in the air, until a rapping at their door had them pull apart.

"You're on now!" The staff yelled as the Taehyung shouted back. quick 'coming', before placing a kiss against her forehead and pulling her up.

"We've got this. Don't think too hard." Taehyung encouraged as he slightly pushed her ahead of him, and the pair walked to the wings, where upon cue they entered the interview space that was being televised live on national TV.

The pair settled casually on a couch, being able to relax a bit more due to the comfortable atmosphere of this interview, in comparison to the formal settings they were used to.

After a quick round of introductions, the questions that everyone were asking, well at least the ones that would still incite a positive answer, were introduced.

"So, how did you two meet?"

"We were childhood friends. I met him and another friend of ours when I first moved from New Zealand."

"Another friend? Are they also a celebrity? Or are they a non-celebrity friend?"

"Uh non-celebrity. She hated the spotlight."

"Are we ever going to meet her?"

"Unfortunately not. She well, passed away a couple years back."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Moving on.....if we remember correctly, there was a little bit of a feud amongst you two at the press conference. If you two were friends before, then was it something to do with that? Or, to rephrase, what exactly happened that first month?"

"Jen and I had a little bit of a fight a while before that. We resolved it though, pretty evidently." He joked to lighten up the mood, raising his hand that was intertwined with Jennie's.

"Evidently indeed. So tell me, how are you both dealing with the constant publicity of your relationship?"

"I mean, we've been in the entertainment industry for years. I think that had a little bit of an advantage as we got more used to the constant cameras. But apart from that, I think after being here for so long, fans were a lot more accepting of us dating too. I feel like nowadays the expectations of us remaining single to be a celebrity has died down a lot."

"That is true. Everyone loves you guys together. People even questioned if it was media play for the release of the new drama, but seeing you guys together, I can assure you, the viewers, it's not."

"So...Taehyung. There were a couple rumours of you dating actress Park Seoyoon just a few weeks before the drama. Did you two part ways because of the romance drama? Or did you choose Jennie over her." The interview pressed on as Jennie looked at him inquisitively. She had not heard of these rumours.

"Oh, uh." He stammered for a second, losing his composure which was unnatural for him to do.

But unbeknownst to them, it was mainly because he was nervous of how his answer would translate to Jennie, who was surely glaring at him right now.

"Well it's true we went out for a little, but that's it. We never ended up dating or anything."  Taehyung rapped out, a little too quickly for someone trying to appear calm.

"Are you sure? Nothing intimate or serious? Because some fans say they spotted you together at a hotel recently." The interviewer pressed as Jennie only stared at him further, not caring about the fact that they were at the interview.

"NOT at all!" He quickly exclaimed, truly scared now of the girl next to him.

"I meant, no. We haven't even spoken since that time. At all." He clarified, very insistently as the interviewer decided to let go of the matter seeing his panicked face.

After a few more questions regarding the matter, the interview finally came to a close as the two bid their goodbyes and entered a green room.

"Jennie..." he drawled out, seeing the girl not listening or talking to him at all.

"Come on, you know whatever they say is for the media." He prompted as he took a hold of her arm and pulled her to face him, whilst she just avoided eye contact.

It fascinated him as to how he still found her adorable when she was mad at him.

"You won't even look at me?" He asked while leaning down to her eyes as she tilted her head away, and he resisted the urge to smile.

"We weren't even serious, if that's what you're worried about." He assured as she finally turned to look at him.

"I don't care if you date people before me Taehyung. It's just that....you met her recently thing....never mind." She paused intending to brush it off as she tried to walk away but her held her in place by placing his hands on the table behind her with her in the middle.

"So you're jealous, huh?" He grinned, finding it absolutely attractive that she was bothered of the idea that there was a possibility of him having talked to someone recently. Especially so due to the way she was acting.

"That's what you're getting from this?!" She accused with a scoff as he only grinned, stepping a little closer as he stood up properly and tilted her head up to look at him.

"There's nothing between us. We don't even have each other's number. I never went to a café with her." He said reassuringly as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"So you did go to a hotel with her.." she stated as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Huh? Where'd you get that from?" He asked as she crossed her arms and glared at him.

"That's what the interviewer said. Hotel. You said café." She pointed out as he was genuinely surprised at her picking up on something even he missed.

"Jennie." He spoke as he stared directly at her, as her glare slightly softened when his hands reached up to cup her face.

"There is no other woman. It's you, just you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't even glance at another when I know that you're there. You're my number 1, okay?" He assured with a smile as she let go of her glare, leaning onto the table behind her and nodding.

"Okay. I knew that.Juuuust so you know, I wasn't jealous or anything. Pft. Totally not. Also, you're the only guy for me too, so don't ruin that." She muttered as he rolled her eyes at her childishness.

"Whatever you say." He mumbled loud enough for her to hear with a smile as he bent down to press his lips to hers.

"I love you, Kim Jennie."

Chapter 29
Acts of Hate

Acts of Hate | TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now