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"SHE ACCEPTED! SHE ACCEPTED!" The casting director yelled as he ran through the doors and into the meeting.

"WAIT REALLY?" The head producer, Daeho, yelled himself, shocked at the news that it had actually worked.

"Like, really?" Director song himself questioned, not expecting for it to be so easy.

"Why are you asking 'really', weren't you the one hell bent on her?" The head of casting asked pointedly, as Director Song only shrugged.

"I don't know, I thought you would've lost more sleep over it. But it seems like fate has written that this project will take place perfectly. So you better not be joking. Has she really accepted?" Director song asked, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms, expecting more affirmation.

"Yes. Like actually, yes. Holy shit. She really, really, really accepted. Like really." He spoke, flabbergasted on how it had actually worked.

In all honesty he was expecting even his farthest lengths to fail, but at least the director would be somewhat appeased if he tried.

He never actually expected for it to happen, especially not as easily as it did.

"So are we just going to hear a string of 'really's, or are any of you going to enlighten us on what's going on?" One of the production accountants asked, sick of attempting to fill in the gaps themselves.

"Oh. Well. Don't be surprised...." The producer prompted, quickly getting interrupted himself.

"Kind of hard to when you were surprised yourself." The director of photography sniggered, shutting up quickly as the whole room turned to glare at the interruption.

"Anyways, well the big news is that we've casted our Aria." He smiled, more so smirked, anticipating their reaction for the bigger part of the news.

"What? Really? Who is it?"

"It must be Cho Myung-Hee. She's the most popular rising-star female actress nowadays."

"No no, it has to be Kwon Sena. She works great with Taehyung, and is a coveted actress."

"No way, it's Lee Nara for sure. Her visuals are perfect for Aria."

"Will you shut up so I can tell you?" Director song sighed, staring at the gossiping party.

After the room had turned to pin-drop silence due to the anticipation, Director Song finally dropped the bomb.

"Jennie Kim. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim." He smiled as he revealed the news, processing it further himself.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"You mean the Jennie Kim on the billboard right outside the window? The one who just came back from her Multi-million dollar world tour? The one who was praised by the President?"

"Yes. Her. Okay make up team and costume team, I'm sure you can get ahold of her measurements. Let's get started shall we?" He spoke, smirking at the faces of the team around him.

Not a single one wasn't flabbergasted at the news.

"Oh, I forgot. She can't make it to the pre-party tomorrow, so she sent backstage passes for the whole cast and team, for her final show of her tour. It's scheduled for two days from now."
The head of casting informed as director Song pretended to think.

"Well then, check in with the actors about their schedules. You all, clear your schedules. You're meeting a celebrity after all." He smiled as he walked out, secretly freaking out mentally about his entire plan coming together.

Meanwhile, the crew in the back broke into chaos as they pounced on the head of casting and the producer for details, who were secretly hating the director for throwing them to the wolves.


He couldn't breathe. Literally. Despite the fact that he was in a VIP box with plenty of space, he couldn't breathe.

Taehyung was awestruck, destructed, and pained all at the same time.

He couldn't even bear to see her on stage, how would he work with her for the next few months.

His coworkers never caught him though, as they were all simply too busy getting starstruck by watching the celebrity of celebrities, the idol of idols, dominating the stage, despite them being incredibly well known celebrities themselves.

Looking around, the place was packed.

Seoul Olympic stadium could not have been more packed, the entire place sold out.

She was a star in Korea after all, posters up at every street, her face seemingly everywhere.

A household name.

Yet, it was still incomprehensible how she managed to have the entire nation fall in love with her.

How she had managed to switch personas between every portion of her stages.

Time had seemed endless as Taehyung watched her interacting with her fans at the encore stage, running around on the stage without her smile slipping once, a stark contrast to the seductive and powerful personas from her other performances.

And before they knew it, the fireworks had lit up the  sky as she marked a goodbye amongst her fans cheers, disappearing beneath the stage, officially closing her world tour.

He had felt his breath hitch. No one knew he was here.

If his name had even slipped out, the fans would've crowded him at any second.

But it seemed that the fans weren't even bothered to cast a glance at the VIP boxes the moment Jennie stepped out, as they enjoyed her showcase.

He didn't even realise it was time to go backstage until one of his cast members had nudged him.

He felt his anxiety return all at once, taking a deep breath as he walked behind them, heading to the back rooms.

They were escorted into one of the waiting rooms to wait as Jennie had to carry out her autographs and send offs for the fans who had booked to see her backstage, and the entire wait Taehyung only focused on preparing himself.

"Taehyung-ssi?" Hyejin, a co-star he became friends with called out as she approached him.

"Yeah? Sorry I spaced out a little." He apologised sheepishly as she only shook her head, offering him one of the water bottles.

"It's alright. I was just wondering if you were alright. You've been oddly quiet." She admitted, scratching her name as he shot her a small smile and moved aside so she could sit as well.

Admittedly it was closer than they'd thought, but he knew there were no romantic notions behind their seating, and so did the rest of their cast.

"Yeah I'm just a little tired. I had a late schedule." He spoke as she nodded in understanding.

"I felt that way too, until we got here that is. Just seeing Jennie on stage, man...it was like no other concert I've ever been to. I felt like she shot me with a jolt of energy." She fawned as he only chuckled awkwardly.

It stung him.

It stung him that despite what she did, she still deserved every ounce of fame she had.

And it stung him even more that he couldn't paint her guilty for her success.

Because he knew just how talented she was. And deep down, he knew that he was only upset because it was her.

And those thoughts were what had him so unprepared for her arrival as she walked through the door, dressed in her tour hoodie, a pleated skirt with platform boots, a tired demeanour, yet still as breathtaking as when he'd first seen her.

And that's when he knew, he was absolutely and completely,

Chapter 3

Acts of Hate



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