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"What?" Jennie asked confused.

How much was going to happen with Rowoon and her today?

"You and Rowoon. Aren't you guys seeing each other?" Taehyung asked in his best attempt at being apathetic.

"What? No! We're not romantically involved at all!" Jennie clarified urgently as his eyebrows rose up, confused himself.

"What? But I saw you both earlier... kissing. And with how familiar you two are...." He trailed off, not knowing how to ask this.

"Taehyung. He kissed me and I pushed him away. You would've known if you watched till the end, but that would've been hella creepy I guess. And for everything else, it was just me being friendly. I didn't expect for him to take it the other way. But seeing how differently we grew up, I guess it was kinda stupid of me to not realise." She muttered as Taehyung let his brain process her words.

"So you both aren't together." He summed up as she nodded.

"Yeah we aren't, although, what about you and Hyejin?" She asked herself, deciding it wouldn't be so weird to let her question out.

"We're just friends, nothing more at all." He immediately answered as she nodded, taking a sip of the water next to her.

"Wow, we're really bad at guessing relationships huh?" Jennie joked as he nodded with a smile.



"Soooojiiiiiiiiiiin." Jennie whined as she entered the girls room and jumped on the figure who was on her phone and laying on the bed.

The latter grunted at the girl throwing herself on her as she moved to the side to make room, shutting her phone off.

"Why? What's up with you?" Soojin asked as Jennie cuddled up against the latter.

"I don't know what's going on with meeee." She whined even more as Soojin only chuckled at the girl's unusual behaviour.

"Rant to me. We have nothing to do either way." Soojin replied as Jennie huffed out a breath of air.

"Where do I start. Rowoon confessed to me by, well, kissing me?" She started as Soojin grew appalled.

"He did what?" She exclaimed as Jennie only groaned.

"And now things are going to be super duper awkward because we run with mutual friends and are in the same damn company. I mean no matter how much we act, it's not going to be the same." Jennie rambled as Soojin couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Well that's a story to tell, but he's a sweetheart, I'm sure he won't do anything to make you uncomfortable."  Soojin assured as Jennie nodded.

"Yeah but that's not it. So Taehyung apparently saw us when he kissed me and didn't see me push him off and he came up to me and asked if we were dating and then we had this super duper awkward talk where I had to tell him Rowoon and I didn't like each other." Jennie confessed as Soojin raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, but why is that a problem?" She asked as Jennie groaned again and sat up, staring straight at Soojin.

"Because I think I like him!" She blurted out before burying her head into the pillow as Soojin was the one to sit up.

"What? You like him? Jennie, now is not the time to suffocate yourself to death. Tell me first." The girl fussed as she dragged Jennie to sit up by her arm and deadpanned at her.

"What's there to tell! After we got over all our past drama and all I started feeling all giddy and nervous around him. I thought the fact that I had a crush on him when I was a teenager wouldn't affect me but here I am! Jennie the teenager again!" The said girl placed her palms to her eyes in frustration.

And instead of offering life advice or comfort, the most Soojin thing Soojin did was burst out in laughter, while Jennie smacked her shoulder.

"You're so useless." Jennie rolled her eyes while the latter grinned.

"Yet you're still here." She mused and continued laughing while Jennie shook her head at her friend's current state.

"I'm sorry but..." she paused to laugh a little more, just to piss the girl off more.

"You are so fucked." She finished as Jennie ripped a pack of the hotel complimentary nuts and munched on them  while replying a "you think I don't know that?"

"No but seriously, I have no idea what I'm going to do." Jennie mumbled truthfully as Soojin piqued an eyebrow at her.

"What you're going to do? Well, isn't it obvious that you're going to land up dating?" She asked as Jennie glared at her.

"Soojin, my dumb hoe. Let me explain a simple concept of relationships. Attraction. To be in a healthy and successful relationship, both parties, BOTH..." she paused for emphasis as she explained to the girl as she would a toddler.

"...must like each other. Both ways. Not unrequited." Jennie finished proud of her lesson as Soojin shot her an incredulous look.

"Jennie, my dumb hoe. Are you blind?" She asked as Jennie looked at her confused.

"Soojin. My dumb hoe. No?" Jennie answered as Soojin stole her pack of food away despite Jennie's protest.

"Jennie, my dumb hoe. I think you are." Soojin professed as the latter crossed her arms.

"Soojin, my dumb hoe. What the everlasting fuck do you mean?" She questioned as Soojin only crossed her arms as well, mockingly.

"Jennie, my dumb hoe. By the way he acts and looks at you any moment he can get, anyone and everyone here, except for you apparently, can tell that it's obvious that he likes you." She admits as Jennie's jaw hung lose.

"What?" She exclaimed as Soojin pouted.

"Hey, you broke character!" The said girl protested only to be shut up.

"What do you mean the way he looks at me?" Jennie interrogated as Soojin held her shoulders.

"He looks at you like you're the only thing in the room. Literally, everyone knows that he likes you at this point. He immediately looks up when you're name in mentioned and tunes out when it's not about you. Ask Hyejin if you want. But yeah, he likes you. So I think your answer is crystal clear. What you're going to do, is get with him." Soojin finished proudly as Jennie only dissociated herself in response.

"You're right. I'm actually fucked." She said with a mix of denial and incredulity before throwing herself back in the end.

Chapter 20
Acts of Hate

Acts of Hate | TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now