16. Explode part 2

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Jennie POV

He was a fire, a force, burning me through and throughout. It wasn't supposed to feel like this, feel good. My mind couldn't comprehend my response to him, but with the way my heart hammered against my chest, the way his hands were searing through me, the way I responded to him,

Nothing felt wrong. 

His lips were warm and soft, setting my own on fire. We pressed closer together, me pressed up against him as his hands went into my hair. 

For a moment, I forgot where we were, that we were in front of a large audience who was watching every moment from a myriad of angles, yet it seems like we both forgot that particular detail as soon as our lips touched, crashed, against one another. 

This is wrong, We both knew it. I couldn't see a future with this, with the way we'd gotten into a verbal brawl at every sight of each other. 

He hated me, and I hated him. 

Apart from the times in front of cameras, we couldn't even bear to exist in the same space. 

Yet, foolishly, stupidly, a part of me feels like there is a chance. A chance we may get past this. A chance for us. A chance that he was as into this as I was, because god, the way he took over the kiss and pressed against me further, makes me fall deeper into my thoughts. 

With the way he was acting, he certainly couldn't hate this, could he? 

As we were about to get lost further into the moment, the familiar 'cut' was echoed around the room, and I swear I heard a sound reminiscent of a groan as we pulled apart, hesitantly, his hands unwinding themselves from me at a painfully slow pace. 

Maybe, that was a sign that he felt the same about this too. The feeling that despite how wrong it was morally, maybe it was okay for it to feel right. 

After our stylists and makeup artists came to touch up our makeup, it seemed like we hadn't kissed at all.

"Okay, retake of the kiss, the angle can be changed." The director announced as immediately my eyes transfixed on Taehyung, more particularly his lips, with the thought that we'd be doing it once again. 

The simple thought of it had me unconsciously biting my bottom lip as my eyes raised to his, only to find him already looking. 

His firm gaze itself sent a shiver down my spine as I turned away first, re-focusing on the ring on my finger to keep myself occupied. 

And just like that, seconds later, our lips crashed again, and then again, and again, and again until it was our 5th take. 

Each time, it was insane enough to stun me into forgetting the fact that it wasn't just us present in the moment. 

Each time flooded me with the same incredulous feelings of the first, never getting myself to grasp the insanity of the feeling. 

Finally, with a finality of approval, we pulled apart for the last part and quickly filmed the next two scenes of the post-kiss exchange of words and farewell, leaving me to my trailer and the storm of thoughts spiraling through my head about the moment earlier. 

Being with Taehyung wasn't meant to feel like this. And it didn't, until it did.  

And just that on its own was enough to throw me completely off game. 

It may have felt like it was just part of the scene earlier, and all the other times we filmed with one another. 

'Inexplainable chemistry', 'Raw talent in acting', 'naturals on screen'

These words came easy to everyone observing, everyone who never knew what was truly going on between the pair, everyone but them. 

They would never know that what they shared whilst filming would never be replicated as it was nothing but true, raw emotion. 

Every touch, every reaction, every tension filled moment; natural. 

And now, that I was alone with nothing but my thoughts do I realize, how truly complicated everything was. 

But who wants easy and simple right? 


I sighed as I set my things down on the counter before diving under the comfort of my covers with mint chocolate chip ice cream as my chosen accompaniment. 

I toyed with my ring once again as I thought harder about what occurred earlier. 

Had he really hated me, would he have so willingly, and actively, responded to the kiss as I did? I would be a fool if I didn't realize that what we shared, was not simple and plain old acting. It was more, and the fact that it was more was what had really complicated our future. 

I thought back to the apology he shot suddenly earlier while we were blocked for our kiss scene. 

It was simple and clear as day, 

I'm sorry. 

But the fact that he did apologize itself was enough of a confirmation to me. 

There was no room at that very moment for him to say much more, but the way he delivered his apology was enough for me to the sincerity he professed it with. 

Before I drowned in my thoughts any further, a sharp knock at my door cut me out from my thoughts as I groaned getting up.

I really am not built for Mondays. 

Even so, with a quick glance in the mirror, I brushed my hair out before walking to the door of the day trailer. 

2 more hours and the comfort of a hotel room would be with me. 

The knock repeated as I yelled out a quick 'coming' and reached the door, pulling it open expecting a staff member to notify me of updates or something similar. 

However, my hand tensed on the door knob as my eyes recognized the familiar figure in front of me. 


The one I'd spent the past half our or so agonizing over. 

I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to say something, then closed it, then opened it again, making my astonishment at his arrival clear as day. 

In response, he just stared at me, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket as he looked up at me, for the first time ever, due to the elevated height of the entrance of the trailer. 

"What are you doing here?" I blurt out before I could stop myself, vocalizing the question I couldn't rake my brain for answers to. 

"Sorry, can I help you with something?" I ask again, correcting my previous question before he had a chance to respond. 

"I just wanted to....talk. If that works now." He answered shocking me further.

Kim Taehyung, showed up at the door of my trailer, asking for me to....talk?

I realize I stood there in silence for a moment too long as I notice as eyebrow of his rise, as I shook myself out of it and open the door further. 

"Yeah, sure. Come in." I make out as he nods and walks in, and I close the door behind us. 

What the fuck just happened. 


Acts of Hate


Chapter 16, explode-part 2




Acts of Hate | TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now