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"Rowoon, you've got to stop. Seriously." Jennie mused as the latter only laughed at the picture of her sleeping even more.

"No no, you look pretty. I promise." He stated before laughing once again at the girl who fell asleep on her chair in the midst of filming.

"Sure I do. Delete it." She said with a deadpanned expression as she crossed her arms, already admitting to herself that she couldn't grab it out of his hand anymore.

"Alright alright. I will." He boyishly grinned before turning around to leave with his phone in his hand as she finally sighed relieved and began to walk backstage as her scene had just ended and Rowoon had another.

Pulling her phone out, she decided to respond to a couple of messages on Instagram before noticing a new pink ring around Rowoon's account on her phone.

She followed his main account through her private account, as she followed a grand total of 0 people on her main account.

Deciding to check it out, she clicked on his story, only to be shocked beyond reach at the image uploaded.


The sudden yell shocked the entire cast as they looked back in sheer shock, confused at the angry yell being thrown across before they started filming.

And within seconds, an angry female came running down the set as she stared straight at the accused male, who had understood she saw the story and couldn't help but shooting a sheepish smile at her.

"Okay okay before you s- Ow! Hey that actually hur-Ow!" He responded to the smack atop his head and began to run away as she tried to smack him further.

"Are you having fun with my image? You little shit!" She said as he began to skid away and everyone backstage began bursting out in laughter, as the behind the scenes camera man grinned at the gold he caught on his camera.

"Okay! Ouch! Calm do-ow!" Rowoon responded to her little hits at him before wrapping his arms around her in a hug to stop her from hitting him further, laughing all the way.

Because in the end of the day, he knew it wasn't truly hurting anyone.

The people behind the camera meanwhile just looked on either in laughter or shock at how close the two co-workers seemed to be.

"Hey! You better let me go right now." She mused struggling to get out of his death grip.

Seriously, what did this guy eat?"

"For the sake of my life....no." He chuckled as she shot him a death glare.

Meanwhile, Taehyung only looked on at the pair, being closer than what was considered purely platonic.

It seemed his sour expression at the scene hadn't gone unnoticed, as Hyejin turned to look at him as well.

"Taehyung? Are you okay?" She asked as that shook him out of his immense death glare at the pair.

"Huh? What?" He asked, not quite managing to catch the question asked.

Hyejin just chuckled before shaking her head.

"I asked if you're okay. You've been shooting death flares for long enough." She motioned as he glanced back at the scene and took a nervous sip of water.

"What? Death glares? Why would I... why would I have any reason to give them looks. I don't care about what... they do.." he let off, a lot less convincing then he meant for it to sound, unsure if he was talking to her or himself.

Hyejin just nodded sarcastically, as she rose her eyebrows up,  clearly not buying.

"Hmm, yes of course, no reason at all." She spoke, but he didn't catch the teasing tone of hers nor the mocking expression, as the two entered a moment of silence, his attention clearly focused someplace else.

"So..." she started, clearing her throat.

"Are you both really exes?" She asked as turned back to her shocked.

"What?" He asked, coming off a lot higher pitched than he meant for it two as his voice broke a little.

"You know, exes, two people who fall in love and then break up because of some or the other shit. They sometimes get back together, or they become flings, or they become friends, or...well... they become enemies who can't stand looking at each other for even a milli-milli-milli-second?" She asked with an innocent expression that sarcastically delivered the message as she took a sip of her iced tea as well.

Taehyung grew flustered at her sudden accusation as she only blinked at him, knowing he wasn't getting anywhere with his 'We-don't-know-each-other-and-are-just-awkward' bullshit.

"Well?" She pushed at his speechless expression as he shook himself out of it.

"No. Not at all. We're not exes. We've never dated or had any sort of romantic altercation whatsoever." He answered truthfully as Hyejin scoffed in disbelief, as she expected that to be his final answer.

Taehyung took a sharp breath as he looked at the girl and then back to Jennie, who was now scolding the 6'2 male by dragging him down with his ear.

He then let out a long breath, trusting Hyejin as a long time friend as he turned back to look at her, a pained smile etching across his features.

"But I knew her." He started as turned back to look at him, suddenly in a somber expression as she waited for him to continue.

"We were friends. Best friends really." He continued as he turned to look at Jennie while he continued speaking, as her eyes also glanced at the figure before looking back at Taehyung, observing the way he looked at her.

She couldn't describe it really.

It laid somewhere between hurt, longing, and helplessness.

The look you give when you can't get something you want.

When something is just a reach away yet miles away at the same time.

That was one of the most authentic emotions Taehyung had ever revealed, and she couldn't stop herself from realising the fact that their past seemed a lot more complicated than the front.

His breath hitched for a moment before he continued.

"I may not have been in love with her, but I loved her."

"Loved? As in past tense? As in not anymore?" She asked he turned back to her and offered a smile.

Then, he turned to walk away, as Hyejin never received her answer.

But the lack of an answer itself, the lack of a denial, was enough of an answer for her.

Chapter 13
Acts of hate

Acts of Hate | TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now