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"Rowoon!" Jennie called as the said man turned around at the call of his name.

"Yeah?" He asked, pausing his walk to his trailer as she came up to him.

"Well, what're you going to do now?" The brunette asked as he shrugged.

Rowoon had a midday filming schedule for the day, and it was nearing 4:30, meaning he was done with his scenes for the day.

"Probably watch Netflix or something. Why, need anything?" He asked as she nodded.

"Can you help me with my scenes? I haven't had time to rehearse yet and I film soon." She explained as he nodded.

"Yeah, for sure. Not like I have anything better to do than hang out with the celebrity of celebrities." He joked as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe I should just call Soojin..." she mocked irritation as he slung an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah yeah alright. We both know you wouldn't." He laughed as she elbowed him and the pair walked into one of the green rooms at the set, seeing as it would be better than a trailer.

Taehyung, who was filming saw the two entering the green room, and more so, saw the way he smiled at her as she bumped into the glass door.

"Ouch!" Jennie frowned rubbing her head as Rowoon only gave her head a pat.

"You're such an idiot." He mused as she turned to glare at him, only making him laugh more as she went inside the room.

"Okay, what scene do you need to rehearse?" He asked flipping through the script as she flopped on to the couch to the side of the room.

"Today's first scene. Come I'll show you." She motioned as he sat on the couch next to her as she turned to face his direction.

"Here, the date scene." She pointed as he nodded.

"Alright." Rowoon muttered flipping through the pages.

It was all going just fine, until a kiss scene had come up.

Jennie intended to just brush past it, as it was just her rehearsing the scene and the kiss wasn't rocket science.

But what she didn't expect was for the distance between the two to have lessened immensely, nor the fact that Rowoon had leant forward and pressed his lips to hers.

After taking half a second to process what happened, she immediately flinched and pushed him back by his shoulders, her face a mix of shock and confusion.

"What was that?" Jennie asked the latter who himself was confused.

"What? Wasn't this what we...you...wanted?" He asked the girl who shook her head furiously.

"No? I'm sorry Rowoon, but I don't like you that way." She said awkwardly as he looked away and took an anxious gulp.

"Oh. I-uh, I'm sorry then. I just thought that with how close we'd gotten you felt the same....fuck." he muttered as she let out a sigh.

"I'm really sorry Rowoon. I really do like you as one of my best friends, but I'm just not attracted to you romantically." She explained as he nodded.

"Yeah no... that's fine. I'm sorry about that. We can still be friends, right? Like you can ignore this mess up?" He asked as she nodded with a smile, and was about to pat his shoulder but refrained as it wasn't the time.

"Yeah of course. We can consider this null and void. Never happened." Jennie assured as he nodded.

"Alright. I think....I'm gonna go rest now. See you tomorrow Jennie." He offered a smile and left, attempting to inaudibly curse himself which was a failed attempt as Jennie flinched at his regretful scoldings to himself.

She sighed and collapsed back onto the couch, only momentarily though as she was immediately called again by one of the producers.

"It's time for your scene Jennie." He notified as Jennie smiled and nodded.

She stood up and took a deep breath, forgetting all that had happened in the past few minutes before making her way outside and smiling at the staff already present.

Sitting down backstage, she watched the current scene progress as the makeup artist worked on her look and the stylist worked on her outfit.

Moments later, when she was finally ready, Jennie got in her spot to begin filming.

The scene had gone by well. Ever since their conversation the two had seemed to be at ease around one another and had made friendly progress off stage as well.

No one could have been happier about this outcome than Director Song himself.

Jennie was even able to laugh during the midst of their filming together, while Taehyung shot an occasional smile or chuckle around during their blooper moments.

Everything would have been great, except for the fact that something about Taehyung had been....off.

"Okay, kiss scene everyone!" The director announced with a little too much enthusiasm as both Jennie and Taehyung looked at him weird for a moment as they prepped for the scene.

"Okay, you place your hand here....yeah that looks good." The director murmured to himself as Taehyung tilted her head up with his fingers.

"Okay, angle yourselves so we can see where we should shoot." He instructed as the two stepped closer, tilting their heads both directions and growing nervous at their close proximity.

"Okay Jennie tilt right and Taehyung left. We'll put the camera to the left and slightly behind Jennie. That looks like a good shot." He said going back as Jennie and Taehyung nodded, handing over their puffer coats as the cameras started rolling.


After almost 5 takes of their kiss scene they were finally let go off to go backstage, seeing as their next scene was also together.

"Can you both use green room 4? It's the biggest one. You don't have outfit changes either way." One of the staffs asked as the said pair glanced at each other before turning back.

"I'm fine with it." Jennie answered first as she looked towards Taehyung who nodded as well.

"Yeah I'm good with it too." He muttered as the staff left them to their work and the two went inside together.

Jennie headed towards the table to take some of her accessories out for a while, whilst Taehyung sat in the makeup chair.

She perched herself at the vanity before looking at him, and decided to make small talk.

"So, how's New York treating you?" She asked as he looked towards her.

"It's...New York all right. I want to go see broadway one of these days." He answered as she nodded, already familiar with the city herself.

After a moment of silence he looked up to talk to her as well.

"So, you and Rowoon huh?"

Chapter 19
Acts of Hate

Acts of Hate | TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now