Demon slayer part 3

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If you listen closely you can hear the scream of humans and demons alike.
"Come here be nice let me devour "said a demon with a horn in sharp nail resembling a sword with grey like skin in red eyes.
"Over my dead body "said Kaminari(an that just a name that I thought was fitting for him after using a translator from English to Japanese)
"Thunder breathing Third Form: Thunder Swarm" he yelled as he attack the demon from all sides
"You think an attack this weak can defeat a demon of my caliber" yelled out the demon

The demon lunged at him in started attacking him without letting him rest "Let's see how long you can last before your stamina give out"the demon said
"Thunder breathing Second Form: Rice Spirit "yelled kaminari trying to get a kill shot, he slashed the demon 5time but missed the neck.
"Dammit why can't I slice your neck off" yelled kaminari in distress

"Hahaha your resolve is getting weaker, I love to see that put up a fighting human so I could enjoy the meat of a warrior, not a coward," said the demon
"Thunder breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash"kaminari yelled while sprinting toward the demon

"Huff huff huff"Kaminari looked behind him to see a bewildering demon looking at him smiling

"Hah you thought you got me with that weak at...." said the demon before realizing his worldview is upside down for some reason he can see his body on the floor next to him.

In the trees nearby
Clone number 1
This was a nice match to witness and I got to copy 3form of thunder breathing out of the 6. I better keep following and the hope he uses all the other forms

Meanwhile with Atoru
'I feel like the demons are evading me,' I thought to myself while walking nowhere in particular, I can hear the fighting happening all around me but my clones can handle it.
"Help me "I heard a random voice say
"Wait who that"i reply to no one in particular

"I'm over there help me" I heard I started running to where I heard the voice tree jumping and body flickering everywhere to get there fast. I got there in 10secs just to see a bunch of demons around like 20 to 30 of them drooling and about to attack someone who looked injured, I jump in to try in save the one injured person.

But the second I try to save that person I got attacked by 20 or so demons while the rest circle around the wounded demon slayer.

Even tho he might get eaten I'm getting stalled by those demons."I don't have time for y'all flame breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire"I said as I rushed toward them in heads were falling left in right

After I killed them I lunged at the other demons trying to save the person, I got there and pushed away the demons only to find a defiled corpse of a man with his Nichirin blade broken with his bone broken and not moving anymore he was dead.

'Human life was taken, and I was not able to do anything' I thought to myself then looked at the 10 or so demons left. I clench my sword harder and then dashed at him with my Sharingan activated "Flame breathing Fifth Form: Flame Tiger" I said while attacking and killing 6 of them the other 4dodged, they tried to attack me from my blind spot but I could still see them in I use substitution jutsu to get away before they even got to me.
"Huh a log how the hell is there a log here are humans able to do that" yelled out demon #4

"Flame breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire"I yelled out as dashed at them at full speed

"Why the fuck is there just blurred everywh...."
"You killed my friend how dare yo...."yelled demon#4
"That two down 2 more to go"i said
"How are you so fast are you a high-rank demon slayer trynna torture some demon in this test" yelled demon #2

I ignored the demon nonsense in ran back at them aiming to get both of them with one move so I used "flame breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire" I muttered before lunging at them

Two demon heads fall looking at me like I was monster
I walked back to the death demon slayer I wanted to buried him out of respect but the second I'm gone any demon can just like remove the dirt in eat him so  I decided to the the next best thing"fire style fireball jutsu"i muttered before breathing in deeply in slowly in then breathing down some fire on the defiled corpse of the demon slayer

After burning to the ashes I said my prayers in left him there while thinking in my head "if only I was faster

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