Breaking Down

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Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

She had a smile on her face as she wipe the tears away from her face,
"Where is my kiss at,"I said with a smile on my face
She looked away from me, pouting in blushing.
I smile a bit knowing that Shinobu didn't change that much.

I try to stand up but I felt pain all over my body" oh it hurt," I said slowly standing up
"Don't overdo it" Shinobu said with worried present in her voice.
I feel different, a lot different than before,

I finally stood up, feeling very sore." it's going to take more than that to take me down,"I said a bit weakly
"You can barely stand up why are you forcing yourself to stand,"She said
"I don't like making people worry about me too much,"I said weakly walking toward the door.

Now we continue where we left off
"Then let me help you,"She said helping me walk
"Thank you," I said thanking her for the help
When I slid open the door I saw Tengen, Gyomei in Oyakata sama

"Thank the gods you are alive Atoru san," Oyakata Sama said in a soothing voice
"How long have you guys been here,"I said
"They came here to check on you every day for the past month,"Shinobu said
"Hey Guys so how have y'all been,"I said with a brightest smile

I got squeezed into a hug from Tengen in Gyomei at the same time.
I was gasping for air but Shinobu saw me struggling in I looked in pain.

"Tengen, Gyomei, I think you guys are suffocating Atoru,"She said pointing at my face that was turning blue
They let go, this was the biggest bear hug I ever received,

"Sorry"They both said bowing their head
"It's ok but where dad I thought he would be here," I asked in a questioning tone
They both look down in I had an bad feeling on what about to happen next

"The Upper moon two took him in and escaped, I try to stop it but I was too weak to do anything to it,"Tengen said looking down
"If you don't trust us anymore, I will understand"Gyomei added

"Why would I not trust you guys anymore,"I said in a surprised voice
They both look perplexed like they weren't expecting my answer.
"Even if you guys didn't manage to save my dad, I know you guys did everything possible to get it back," I said (A/N he doesn't want them to feel even worse than they feel already)

Oyakata sama looked like he was relieved in the two Hashira also looked relieved.
"The only thing that makes me mad, is that demon thinks this is a game," I said with a bit of venom in my voice.
"Also you guys should take more care of your body, you guys are in no shape or form to start training for at least another week or two" I added(say you)

I turn around to look at Oyakata sama,when I was done explaining to them that it wasn't their fault that my dad got kidnapped in may get turned into a demon.

"Oyakata same what brings you here," I said to the 17-year-old man with a small mark around his eyes.
"I'm here to apologize for sending you on such a dangerous mission," He said bowing down

"Wait you don't need to do that, you didn't know how badly the demon king want me dead in it was just a small investigation mission," I said
"Because of my small foresight, one of my relatives almost die," He said

"Wait, relative," I said a bit surprised
"The reason my family got this curse is that the original demon was born from it," He said pausing before saying
"The Uchiha clan are related to the Ubuyashiki family through that man, Making the Uchiha in Ubuyashiki family relative."He said(A/N another butterfly effect made by his existence, now I want you to think very hard who do you think in the series he is related to now)

Everyone in the room was surprised at the revelation, especially Atoru, He never really expected that this would of happen in a million years.

"If we are relative as you say please stop bowing it make me feel uncomfortable"I said with a weary smile
I helped Kagaya get up while looking at the other pillar saying"Please don't push yourself to much but right now I need rest"I said feeling the pain catch up to me

Reborn in demon slayer as an UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now